卡爾·波普爾爵士(Sir Karl Raimund Popper)是當代西方傑齣的科學哲學傢和社會哲學傢。他的《曆史決定論的貧睏》(The Poverty of Historicism)和《開放社會及其敵人》(The Open Society and its Enemies)是西方民主思想寶庫中的經典著作。波普爾曾經由於這兩部書獲得過英國女皇頒授的爵位。
Written in political exile during the Second World War and first published in 1945, Karl Popper's "The Open Society and Its Enemies" is one of the most influential books of the twentieth century. Hailed by Bertrand Russell as a 'vigorous and profound defence of democracy', its now legendary attack on the philosophies of Plato, Hegel and Marx exposed the dangers inherent in centrally planned political systems. Popper's highly accessible style, his erudite and lucid explanations of the thought of great philosophers and the recent resurgence of totalitarian regimes around the world are just three of the reasons for the enduring popularity of "The Open Society and Its Enemies", and for why it demands to be read both today and in years to come. This is the second of two volumes of "The Open Society and Its Enemies".
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【按語:上捲的一個浮光掠影;附加下捲結尾部分。 《開放社會及其敵人(The open society and its enemies)》或許是一本古怪的書:一方麵,你會訝異於Popper在知識上廣博的跨度,他瞭解當代神學傢Karl Barth的神學思想,分析瞭哲學傢Whitehead的思想,對曆史學傢Tonybee的《...
評分全書主要分為三部分,很詳細的針對柏拉圖主義,黑格爾主義與馬剋思主義進行批判(當然也順便提到赫拉剋利特和蘇格拉底等對曆史主義思潮有關的思想傢)… 開篇緻力於批判柏拉圖主義。柏拉圖的“理想國”是一種波普爾稱之為“封閉社會”辯護,而這又是一切極權主義的形式基礎。...
評分這是一個相當具有戲劇色彩和諷刺性的事件。本來隻想當閑暇的談資,但又覺得又有點記錄下來備忘的價值。 這個事件的關鍵詞有:施特勞斯、波普爾。很顯然,前一個關鍵詞有激素的作用,很容易刺激人們的腎上腺素,讓人們心跳加速、血液沸騰。而後一個關鍵詞多少有點讓我不好意思...
評分暗夜,不見星辰。逝水如斯,流年輪替。走筆悵嘆,悲淒莫名!逝者如斯,時光之舟,載不動,萬古同悲! 撫今追昔,“聚散終有期,日久見人心”的話語,看來還是不錯的。謬托知己,有時,亦是人生中不可避免之經曆……知音難覓,俞鍾、管鮑、嵇阮、李杜之交,可遇而不可求。 叔本...
評分全書主要分為三部分,很詳細的針對柏拉圖主義,黑格爾主義與馬剋思主義進行批判(當然也順便提到赫拉剋利特和蘇格拉底等對曆史主義思潮有關的思想傢)… 開篇緻力於批判柏拉圖主義。柏拉圖的“理想國”是一種波普爾稱之為“封閉社會”辯護,而這又是一切極權主義的形式基礎。...
圖書標籤: 哲學 政治 波普爾 政治哲學 philosophy popper KarlPopper Politics
評分A classic of political philosophy. An advocacy of anti-determinism of history.
評分A classic of political philosophy. An advocacy of anti-determinism of history.
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