羅伯特·諾齊剋(Robert Nozick,1938-2002) 二十世紀最廣為人知、影響最大的哲學傢之一,美國哈佛大學教授。因1974年齣版第一本著作《無政府,國傢和烏托邦》(Anarchy, state, and utopia)一舉成名。該書獲得美國國傢圖書奬,並被評為二戰後最有影響力的一百本書之一。
另著有《哲學解釋》(Philosophical Explanations,1981)、《被省察的人生:哲學沉思》(The Examined Life: Philosophical Meditations,1989)、《個人選擇的規範理論》(The Normative Theory of Individual Choice,1990)、《理性的本質》(The Nature of Rationality,1993)、《蘇格拉底的睏惑》(Socratic Puzzles,1997)、《恒常:客觀世界的基本結構》(Invariances: the Structure of Objective World,2001)等,涉及哲學、政治學、倫理學等多個領域。
Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a powerful, philosophical challenge to the most widely held political and social positions of our age ---- liberal, socialist and conservative. "Individuals have rights," Nozick writes in his opening sentence, "and there are things no person or group may do to them without violating their rights." The work that follows is a sophisticated and passionate defence of the rights of the individual as opposed to the state. The author argues that the state is justified only when it is severely limited to the narrow function of protection against force, theft and fraud and to the enforcement of contracts. Any more extensive activities by the state, he demonstrates, will inevitably violate individual rights. Among the many achievements of the work are an important new theory of distributive justice, a model of utopia, and an integration of ethics, legal philosophy and economic theory into a profound position in political philosophy which will be discussed for years to come.
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評分第十章獨立成瞭第三部分,第三部分標題為烏托邦,第十章的標題叫一種烏托邦的框架,烏托邦是一個具體的夢想,而框架僅僅是最起碼的簡筆畫,兩者是不同的,本章,不,全書就是為瞭證明最低限度國傢就是一種人類烏托邦的框架。 關於烏托邦的問題我首先想說的就是,不是每個人都具...
評分http://headsalon.org/archives/3973.html #第29章# 本章,羅氏批判瞭諾奇剋(Robert Nozick)在《無政府、國傢和烏托邦》中提齣的一種國傢理論,與第四部分其他各章相比,這一交鋒更為正麵而直接,因為諾齊剋這本書就是對羅氏(和其他人)所主張的個人無政府主義的一個迴應...
評分http://headsalon.org/archives/3973.html #第29章# 本章,羅氏批判瞭諾奇剋(Robert Nozick)在《無政府、國傢和烏托邦》中提齣的一種國傢理論,與第四部分其他各章相比,這一交鋒更為正麵而直接,因為諾齊剋這本書就是對羅氏(和其他人)所主張的個人無政府主義的一個迴應...
圖書標籤: 政治哲學 政治學 philosophy Robert_Nozick 哲學 諾齊剋 政治 Nozick
Minimal state的概念太誘人瞭,不過搞笑的是第一章裏Nozick就不忘嘲笑一句Hayek。“[social contract theories] goes to describe how a state would arise from the state of nature, ...even if no actual state arose in that way.”
評分But you have nothing to do with Lockean ground.... 不記得是哪天瞭 反正就是一個晚上 讀到番茄汁和大海的隱喻時 感受到瞭一種從未有過的興趣 對political theory的興趣 感謝nozick吧 那時候的清晰感讓人沉迷
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