Ludwig Wittgenstein, who died in Cambridge in 1951, is one of the most powerful influences on contemporary philosophy, yet he shunned publicity and was essentially a private man. His friend Norman Malcolm (himself an eminent philosopher) wrote this remarkably vivid personal memoir of Wittgenstein, which was published in 1958 and was immediately recognized as a moving and truthful portrait of this gifted, difficult man. This edition includes also the complete text of the fifty-seven letters which Wittgenstein wrote to Malcolm over a period of eleven years. Apart from the quotations in the Memoir these letters are previously unpublished. They reveal how much friendships mattered to Wittgenstein, and how concerned he was for the health and well-being of his friends. His human qualities become evident; he advises, warns, jokes. and is grateful and affectionate. The volume also features a concise biographical sketch by another leading philosopher who was a friend of Wittgenstein, Georg Henrik von Wright. Much has been published about Wittgenstein since his death, but nothing brings us closer to the man himself than this modest classic of philosophical biography.
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對我來說,理解哲學是一件沮喪的事。在長時期內,我周而復始的付齣,卻並沒有水到渠成的收獲。我期望通過它來理解這個世界、人生。卻最終發現連門檻也沒有摸到。當然,我看到瞭各種各樣的八卦流言。 對於我們這樣的凡庸之輩來說,對智慧抱有敬畏的最好辦法,就是傳誦他們的軼...
評分Kon-Tiki和維特根斯坦 去年有部挪威電影可以看看,叫Kon-Tiki,中文翻成《孤筏重洋》。電影講的是挪威探險傢海爾達爾(Thor Heyerdahl,1914-2002)為證明波利尼西亞人最早的祖先是從南美洲西岸坐木筏順洋流嚮西飄到波利尼西亞的,在1947年4月28日到8月7日,同五個夥伴一起乘...
評分 評分附注太長寫不下,放在評論裏:長評就不寫瞭。 傢裏的老書一本,但品相極好,閱讀亦很愜意滋潤。 一些重點 p25,電影:維特根斯坦看俗氣電影來緩解情緒。 因為緊張的思考,他必須坐在電影院第一排讓屏幕塞滿他的整個視野;他必須看俗不可耐的片子來舒緩情緒,清除掉腦袋裏揮之...
圖書標籤: Wittgenstein 維特根斯坦 傳記 philosophy memoir 馬爾康姆 英文原版 異文
The "human" side of a genius is no less fascinating.
評分The "human" side of a genius is no less fascinating.
評分The "human" side of a genius is no less fascinating.
評分The "human" side of a genius is no less fascinating.
評分The "human" side of a genius is no less fascinating.
Ludwig Wittgenstein 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載