Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) was an influential German political theorist and philosopher who came to the United States as a refugee from the Nazis in 1940. She held a number of academic positions at American universities including the University of California, Berkeley; Northwestern University; the University of Chicago; and Princeton University, where she was the first woman appointed to a full professorship. Her works, which deal with issues of power, authority, revolution, thought, and judgment, include The Origins of Totalitarianism, The Human Condition, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Between Past and Future, and the incomplete and posthumously published The Life of the Mind. Wanda McCaddon began recording books for the fledgling audiobook industry in the early 1980s and has since narrated well over six hundred titles for major audio publishers, as well as abridging, narrating, and coproducing classic titles for her own company, Big Ben. Audiobook listeners may be familiar with her voice under one of her two "nom de mikes," Donada Peters and Nadia May. The recipient of an Audie nomination and more than twenty-five Earphones Awards, AudioFile magazine has named her one of recording's Golden Voices. Wanda also appears regularly on the professional stage in the San Francisco Bay Area.
A work of striking originality bursting with unexpected insights, The Human Condition is in many respects more relevant now than when it first appeared in 1958. In her study of the state of modern humanity, Hannah Arendt considers humankind from the perspective of the actions of which it is capable. The problems Arendt identified then—diminishing human agency and political freedom, the paradox that as human powers increase through technological and humanistic inquiry, we are less equipped to control the consequences of our actions—continue to confront us today. This new edition, published to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of its original publication, contains an improved and expanded index and a new introduction by noted Arendt scholar Margaret Canovan which incisively analyzes the book's argument and examines its present relevance. A classic in political and social theory, The Human Condition is a work that has proved both timeless and perpetually timely.
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阿倫特無疑是西方最偉大、最具洞察力的思想傢之一。在《人的境況》中她討論瞭現代社會的興起以及與之相伴而生的共同世界的終結和大眾的孤獨。 阿倫特提齣瞭一個重要的哲學概念“實在性”。“實在性”是由公共世界來保障的,公共世界是一個所有人共同的聚會場所,每個齣場的人...
評分在談行動(action)之前,讓我們先從解脫(releasing)這個概念談起。 阿倫特的學生,《阿倫特為什麼重要》的作者楊-布魯爾在談寬恕時,引援瞭《伊利亞特》結尾的片段。在阿喀琉斯殺死赫剋托耳,並且侮辱瞭特洛伊英雄的屍體。當晚,特洛伊王普裏阿摩斯潛入希臘聯軍的營帳,祈求...
評分P1 積極生活來錶示三種根本性的人類活動:勞動,工作和行動。 本書的主旨就是闡述積極生活的內容,作者認為這三種活動是根本性的,理由是:人在 地球上被給定的生活的一種基本境況,個人覺得理由有些牽強。作者突齣這三種活動的重要 性,將他們一一道來,讓我們站在一種更高...
圖書標籤: 政治哲學 哲學 阿倫特 政治學 Arendt Hannah_Arendt 漢娜·阿倫特 HannahArendt
評分Originated from lectures at the University of Chicago:) Relationships among act, labor, work, fabrication, contemplation. 正如“民主”在19世紀以後纔變成褒義詞一樣,勞動(力)的神聖性也是一個現代創造。柏拉圖和亞裏士多德鄙視從事體力勞動的奴隸,認為他們隻是為瞭滿足necessity而存在的,這就是低等的錶現;密爾把勞動與財富的創造聯係起來;亞當斯密則把它和財富的積聚聯係起來;隻有馬剋思創造性地挖掘瞭勞動(力)的內在價值。天文望遠鏡的發明帶來瞭巨大的震撼:所見並非真。笛卡爾的懷疑論由此而生:隻有我思考的這個過程,纔是唯一可把握的實在——“我思,故我在“的正解。
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