Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940) was an American novelist and short story writer, whose works are the paradigmatic writings of the Jazz Age. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the "Lost Generation" of the 1920s. He finished four novels: This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby (his best known), and Tender Is the Night. A fifth, unfinished novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon, was published posthumously. Fitzgerald also wrote numerous short stories, many of which treat themes of youth and promise, and age and despair.
A masterpiece, a dazzling social satire, and a milestone in twentieth-century literature, THE GREAT GATSBY peels away the layers of the glamorous twenties to display the coldness and cruelty at its heart.
Everybody who is anybody is seen at the glittering parties held in Gatsby's mansion in West Egg, east of New York. The riotous throng congregates in his sumptuous garden, coolly debating Gatsby's origins and mysterious past. None of the frivolous socialites understand him and among various onlookers, Gatsby is oblivious to the speculation he creates, but seems always to be watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. But as the tragic story unfolds, Gatsby's destructive dreams and passions are revealed ...
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作者:烽少 她是你久久注視,整夜整夜看守,想要用雙手嚴嚴實實地遮住,好好守護的遠處那一盞小星星一樣孤零零的綠燈; 你不過是她天空中的浮雲一片。你的遠道而來,難道隻為這一刻遇見她後的煙消雲散? 蓋茨比的偉大和悲哀就在於身在紙醉金迷,縱情享樂的時代,仍念念不忘,不...
評分在黛西和蓋茨比終於再次相會的那個午後。黛西:我們有好多年沒見瞭。蓋茨比:到11月剛好五年。(我忘瞭原文是否如此。我沒有照原文引用。)作為在場者的尼剋立刻意識到,蓋茨比的應答讓氣氛變得無比尷尬。 一定有人對此會心一笑。 幾十年後1997年的某個下午,A問B他女朋友C的...
評分前幾天,有朋友問我,你相信命運是注定的麼?我說,我相信性格決定命運,而性格是天生的。 蓋茨比是誰?蓋茨比是德國皇帝的錶親,蓋茨比是德國間諜,蓋茨比是殺人犯,蓋茨比是西半島的特裏馬爾喬--無休止的舞會供應者。可我們知道,蓋茨比不是傑伊·蓋茨比,蓋茨比是詹姆...
評分作者:烽少 她是你久久注視,整夜整夜看守,想要用雙手嚴嚴實實地遮住,好好守護的遠處那一盞小星星一樣孤零零的綠燈; 你不過是她天空中的浮雲一片。你的遠道而來,難道隻為這一刻遇見她後的煙消雲散? 蓋茨比的偉大和悲哀就在於身在紙醉金迷,縱情享樂的時代,仍念念不忘,不...
評分一直都不怎麼喜歡菲茨傑拉德,直到喜歡上瞭村上春樹。 在這之前,印象中的菲茨傑拉德是這樣一個作傢:陰柔、華美,熱衷於書寫貴公子和美麗的南方女郎的愛情遊戲。那時候,一說起20世紀上半期的美國文學,就會想到海明威和福剋納。從他們的小說中,我看到兩人的緘默和隱藏在其...
圖書標籤: F.Scott-Fitzgerald 英文原版 美國文學 小說 美國 外國文學 Fitzgerald 文學
評分So we beat on,boats against the current,borne back ceaselessly into the past.
評分A story I fell in love with.
評分the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us.
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