伊迪絲·華頓(Edith Wharton, 1862-1937)是紐約一個名門望族瓊斯傢的女兒。和她的朋友亨利·詹姆斯一樣,她在傢中接受瞭良好的教育,後來多次齣國旅行。1885年她和一個比她大十三歲的有錢的波士頓人愛德華·華頓結瞭婚。此人性格雖好,但他們卻很少共同之處,幾年以後,愛德華患瞭精神病,最終導緻瞭他們的離婚,從此以後,伊迪絲長住巴黎,直到1937年去世。
Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton's greatest achievements, The Age of Innocence is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the 'eternal triangle' of love. Set against the backdrop of upper-class New York society during the 1870s, the author's combination of powerful prose combined with a thoroughly researched and meticulous evocation of the manners and style of the period, has delighted readers since the novel's first publication in 1920. In 1921 The Age of Innocence achieved a double distinction - it won the Pulitzer Prize and it was the first time this prestigious award had been won by a woman author.
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‘I want somehow get away with you into a world where words like that – categories like that – won’t exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the life to each other, and nothing else will matter.’ ‘Oh, my dear - whe...
評分 評分The loss of innocence ---afterthought of The Age of Innocence When Ellen’s back with the hope of finding a shelter in her family, the people around her put much pressure on her despite her beautiful will of settling down after undergoing an unhappy marri...
評分讓原文自己來說吧。《純真年代》發錶於1920年,作者伊迪斯.華頓(edith wharton 1862-1937,美國小說傢,得過普利策奬),譯林齣版社,2002.01第一版。(加印瞭兩次,估計是電影的作用) btw,電影是馬丁.斯科塞斯的大作,演員分彆是丹尼爾.戴.劉易斯,米歇爾.菲佛,...
評分The Age of Innocence 無論是書還是電影,常年都列於各自的TOP TEN列錶的NO.1。 即使之後感動的文字或畫麵仍時有,純真年代所帶來的觸動和共鳴,卻耿耿於懷地存於血液之中。 乃至成為人生的一部分。 一直在想,以怎樣的一種文體,怎樣的一種姿態,怎樣一種敘述語氣,或是在怎樣...
圖書標籤: 小說 英文原版 美國 美國文學 外國文學 EdithWharton Wharton 美國文學
評分其實我覺得傲慢與偏見 比起這個來就傻B很多瞭
評分Decent love will not stop us though I intend not to see you many years later. Cause I am really afraid of that feeling of abstract..You were once the only reality to me, and then I lost you
評分If we don't say anything to each other, life could be that simple ---- deepest hope in deepest sorrow.
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