Saul Aaron Kripke is an American philosopher and logician now emeritus from Princeton and professor of philosophy at CUNY Graduate Center. He has been immensely influential in a number of fields related to logic and philosophy of language. Much of his work remains unpublished or exists only as tape-recordings and privately circulated manuscripts. He is nonetheless widely regarded as the foremost philosopher of the turn of the millenium, and was the winner of the 2001 Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy.
Naming and Necessity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
罗素的摹状词理论是分析哲学中少数几个最重要的理论之一。 罗素认为,名词的指称实际上可以化归为一系列的摹状谓词(descriptive predicate)。意思就是说,当我们用某词A指称某单个物或某类物时,该词A实际上是一个或多个属性的缩写。比如,单称名词“吴承恩”实际上...
评分在集中读德法系的时候穿插读一下英美系的东西,免得想法偏执了。 中译本序 p5 克里普克提出他的历史的,因果的命名理论。按照这种理论,专名是借助于某些与这个名称有关的历史事实去指称某个特定的对象的。 p11 先验命题和必然命题 (如果否认后验的必然命题,就会使得命题独...
评分毕业那段时间把200来页的naming and necessity读完。在这本书中,作者Kripke先是澄清了一些有关指称的问题,接着举了一些例子来说明先验的不一定是必然的,而必然的不一定是先验的。而在最后一节,Kripke才将他在这些逻辑学上的观点应用到心灵哲学这个领域中来。 一开始我还真...
评分罗素的摹状词理论是分析哲学中少数几个最重要的理论之一。 罗素认为,名词的指称实际上可以化归为一系列的摹状谓词(descriptive predicate)。意思就是说,当我们用某词A指称某单个物或某类物时,该词A实际上是一个或多个属性的缩写。比如,单称名词“吴承恩”实际上...
评分图书标签: 哲学 语言哲学 分析哲学 Kripke 克里普克 形而上学 Philosophy 语言
If there is such a thing as essential reading in metaphysics or in philosophy of language, this is it.
Ever since the publication of its original version, Naming and Necessity has had great and increasing influence. It redirected philosophical attention to neglected questions of natural and metaphysical necessity and to the connections between these and theories of reference, in particular of naming, and of identity. From a critique of the dominant tendency to assimilate names to descriptions and more generally to treat their reference as a function of their Fregean sense, surprisingly deep and widespread consequences may be drawn. The largely discredited distinction between accidental and essential properties, both of individual things (including people) and of kinds of things, is revived. So is a consequent view of science as what seeks out the essences of natural kinds. Traditional objections to such views are dealt with by sharpening distinctions between epistemic and metaphysical necessity; in particular by the startling admission of necessary a posteriori truths. From these, in particular from identity statements using rigid designators whether of things or of kinds, further remarkable consequences are drawn for the natures of things, of people, and of kinds; strong objections follow, for example to identity versions of materialism as a theory of the mind.
This seminal work, to which today's thriving essentialist metaphysics largely owes its impetus, is here published with a substantial new Preface by the author.
即使跟有些prof讨论,发现他们有人和Kripke的直觉真的也能够做到完全相反(虽然我的intuition完全认同kripke。很refreshing,但intuition的运用真的是建立在nothing better的基础上么?或者说intuition在哲学argument中占据如此主要的立场是否legitimate
评分怪不得有实验哲学文献说好多受调查者不认同他老诉诸的“我们”的直觉呢,有些是挺拧巴的。他老还强行规定(stipulate)专名和一些种类的名称在可能世界中指称不变,说因为这使用的是“我们的语言”而不考虑可能世界居民怎么指称。 他老用来固定指称对象的“内部结构”其实很不清楚啊。他老想象我们可能由于视觉幻觉一直搞错了金子的颜色,所以可以有意义地谈论金子也许不是黄色的,进而不能认为“金子是黄色金属”是必然的。那么他老怎么阻止别人进一步假想:化学家可能一直搞错了金元素的原子序数,从而也可以有意义地谈论金子的原子序数可能不是79呢?或者换个不那么离奇的例子,如果穿越到三百年前,根据当时的权威学说,是不是得说 光 在所有可能世界都 必然 不是波而仅是粒子?后来发现光具有波的性质,以前“必然”的就要变了么?
评分Rereading Kripke's groundbreaking classic now. I'd say very "Platonic"
Naming and Necessity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书