iCon takes a look at the most astounding figure in a business era noted for its mavericks, oddballs, and iconoclasts. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Jeffrey Young and William Simon provide new perspectives on the legendary creation of Apple, detail Jobs's meteoric rise, and the devastating plunge that left him not only out of Apple, but out of the computer-making business entirely. This unflinching and completely unauthorized portrait reveals both sides of Jobs's role in the remarkable rise of the Pixar animation studio, also re-creates the acrimony between Jobs and Disney's Michael Eisner, and examines Jobs's dramatic his rise from the ashes with his recapture of Apple. The authors examine the takeover and Jobs's reinvention of the company with the popular iMac and his transformation of the industry with the revolutionary iPod. iCon is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how the modern digital age has been formed, shaped, and refined by the most influential figure of the age-a master of three industries: movies, music, and computers.
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瘋子、流氓、騙子、無賴……這些稱號都可以給喬布斯,因為丫是個為瞭目的不擇手段的人。告訴你一個秘密吧,其實他不是地球人。 他是拯救地球的宇宙英雄! “當看到喬布斯30歲已經身價過億的時候,我已然絕望瞭,”錢不是問題。 喬布斯隻是在追求內心的完美,那種內心的滿足感...
評分比爾蓋茨和Steve Jobs,微軟和蘋果,我都選後者。他們都是商業史上的奇跡,但後者在我心裏就和James Cameron一樣偏執,自負,卻能屢屢成功。對於任何成功或是任何榮譽也罷,真正的強者,在於直麵成功之後的挫敗,和能否咬緊牙關創造下一個輝煌。 當Jobs用一句“你是願意和我一...
評分喬布斯擅長的事情,一個是談判,一個是設計 Apple 機箱(或者是iPod 外殼之類的)。 那麼多蘋果迷應該明白,你們喜歡的是蘋果的産品,而不是 Jobs 這個人。 Jobs 頭上的更多光芒都是搶來的,因為他是蘋果的創建人之一,他有這個權利。就像古代皇帝喜歡給自己個大將軍的稱號一樣...
評分這是一本很考驗耐心的書。作者似乎太過追求描繪喬布斯生活的豐富性,反倒在某些情節的記敘上顯得太過冗長且拖遝。使原本對此書興緻勃勃的我甚至幾度想要放棄對此書的閱讀。 而且可能是兩個作者閤著的關係,書中的有些觀點齣現自我矛盾的狀況,比如對喬布斯性格上過於自我的評...
圖書標籤: apple jobs 傳記 steve biography 商業 business SteveJobs
評分讀瞭一半 來不及讀完就還去瞭 走過蘋果50%的路程 覺得Jobs不是個討人喜歡的人
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