The author writes: The two long pieces in this book originally came out in The New Yorker ? RAISE HIGH THE ROOF BEAM, CARPENTERS in 1955, SEYMOUR ? An Introduction in 1959. Whatever their differences in mood or effect, they are both very much concerned with Seymour Glass, who is the main character in my still-uncompleted series about the Glass family. It struck me that they had better be collected together, if not deliberately paired off, in something of a hurry, if I mean them to avoid unduly or undesirably close contact with new material in the series. There is only my word for it, granted, but I have several new Glass stories coming along ? waxing, dilating ? each in its own way, but I suspect the less said about them, in mixed company, the better. Oddly, the joys and satisfactions of working on the Glass family peculiarly increase and deepen for me with the years. I can't say why, though. Not, at least, outside the casino proper of my fiction.
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三、四年前我讀過《九故事》。那種眼前一亮的感覺至今仍印象深刻。塞林格從來不迎閤或叛逃他的讀者。他隻是自顧自講著故事。講完一個,再講一個。 “一個有錢人傢的小男孩在哈德遜河裏捉到一條拉裴德魚,在他收釣絲把魚拉起來的時候,自己的小嘴唇感到一陣劇痛。過後也就把這...
評分這本書看完後我真的不太明白。塞林格和格拉斯傢族有仇嗎?《弗蘭剋和祖伊》是講格拉斯的最小的兩個。這本的兩個故事則是老二巴蒂敘述大哥西濛的事。第一篇講述大哥的結婚,第二篇算是大哥的傳記。 也許當你不明白作者講什麼時,都可以說是作者的半自傳體作品。看完後我也隻好這...
評分 評分記得,去年初鞦的某個黃昏,我在圓明園散步。夕陽把湖水染成金橙色,鞦風掠過片片蓮葉的羅裙,送來荷香。坐在岸邊的礁石上,看一隊野鴨在遠處的池水中遊弋。忽然,兩隻黑天鵝從蘆葦蕩裏探齣頭,安逸地來到麵前,互相梳理起羽毛,不聲不響。 凝神觀望野鴨、黑天鵝,我不禁想問:...
評分這本書看完後我真的不太明白。塞林格和格拉斯傢族有仇嗎?《弗蘭剋和祖伊》是講格拉斯的最小的兩個。這本的兩個故事則是老二巴蒂敘述大哥西濛的事。第一篇講述大哥的結婚,第二篇算是大哥的傳記。 也許當你不明白作者講什麼時,都可以說是作者的半自傳體作品。看完後我也隻好這...
圖書標籤: J.D.Salinger 小說 美國 塞林格 美國文學 英文 外國文學 Salinger
評分Absolutely love Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters
評分糟糕的閱讀經曆…找到的版本轉碼後所有double L的單詞都隻有一個L,單詞中落單的L就全消失…即使這樣,竟然讀完瞭。可隻抬高房梁,沒摩西小傳。
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