他闡發瞭馬剋思關於商品拜物教的概念,將其應用在當代大眾傳媒身上。而關於資本 主義社會中生活已經演變成一種景觀的分析,可以看作是對馬剋思早期異化理論的修正。《景觀社會》對1968年的學生運動産生瞭巨大影響。
1994年居伊·德波在Champot, Upper Loire自殺身亡,此時他剛度過自己63歲生日幾周時間。
For the first time, Guy Debord's pivotal work Society of the Spectacle appears in a definitive and authoritative English translation. Originally published in France in 1967, Society of the Spectacle offered a set of radically new propositions about the nature of contemporary capitalism and modern culture. At the same time it was one of the most influential theoretical works for a wide range of political and revolutionary practice in the 1960s. Today, Debord's work continues to be in the forefront of debates about the fate of consumer society and the operation of modern social power. In a sweeping revision of Marxist categories, the notion of the spectacle takes the problem of the commodity from the sphere of economics to a point at which the commodity as an image dominates not only economic exchange but the primary communicative and symbolic activity of all modern societies.Guy Debord was one of the most important participants in the activities associated with the Situationist International in the 1960s. Also an artist and filmmaker, he is the author of Memoires and Commentaires sur la societe du spectacle. A Swerve Edition, distributed for Zone Books.
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評分正文看不下去,因為翻譯得語句不通,令人費解,有機會還是讀英文版的。前麵張一兵老師的序很贊,很多發人深省、值得拍案叫好之處: 1. 人們因為對景觀的迷入而喪失自己對本真生活的渴望和要求,而資本傢則依靠控製景觀的生成和變換來操縱整個社會生活.....景觀的在場是對社會...
評分【翻譯得不好,所以不推薦】 異軌(detournement)是SI十分有意思的一個主題:不但有所謂“後現代主義”文化實踐影子,更有十足的當下意義。“嚴肅的滑稽模仿”,一種崇高的異軌如何實現?什麼可以讓參與者不僅僅是一笑瞭之,什麼可以逃脫庸常的審美套話?SI直接在藝術的拼貼...
評分 評分忽略上麵的評價吧,撤銷不掉瞭。。 我沒看過這本書。 如果我用這一題目寫,我會寫被製造齣的社會奇景、觀看的人類、以及消弭無蹤的意義。 現在,圖片成為人們閱讀的主體,社交網絡的發展使得每個人都能輕鬆地實現自我傳播,人類不再處於觀看的地位,觀看被自己建造齣的奇景,...
圖書標籤: guy_debord 社會學 文化研究 situationist Philosophy Sociology GuyDebord media
相對現實 任何媒介 哪怕隔著玻璃看似透明和客觀 也已不同程度地扭麯真實
評分the concentrated spectacle and the diffused spectacle. one modeled by by U.S.S.R. and the other by the the US. 20 years after, Debord came up with the idea of the integrated spectacle, exemplified by France and Italy. How are these spectacles related to each other?
評分相對現實 任何媒介 哪怕隔著玻璃看似透明和客觀 也已不同程度地扭麯真實
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