'Hebdige's Subculture: The Meaning of Style is so important: complex and remarkably lucid, it's the first book dealing with punk to offer intellectual content. Hebdige [...] is concerned with the UK's postwar, music-centred, white working-class subcultures, from teddy boys to mods and rockers to skinheads and punks.' - Rolling Stone With enviable precision and wit Hebdige has addressed himself to a complex topic - the meanings behind the fashionable exteriors of working-class youth subcultures - approaching them with a sophisticated theoretical apparatus that combines semiotics, the sociology of devience and Marxism and come up with a very stimulating short book - Time Out This book is an attempt to subject the various youth-protest movements of Britain in the last 15 years to the sort of Marxist, structuralist, semiotic analytical techniques propagated by, above all, Roland Barthes. The book is recommended whole-heartedly to anyone who would like fresh ideas about some of the most stimulating music of the rock era - The New York Times
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British skinheads wear cropped hair and overalls, in stylized representation of their Working-class fathers. This is an example of what Roland Barthes calls signification: the borrowed use of signs as an appearance, re- ferring to a reality elsewhere. ...
評分照片見http://www.hipsinki.com/pyrpaja-opening-party-tommi Tommi是個生活在赫爾辛基的小年青。 他今年33歲。 當我第一次interview他時,他告訴我,他今年33歲。我就擺齣一副國內大媽的口氣問:“你會幾歲結婚?” 他睜大瞭眼睛看著我,突然大笑起來,大概意思是:你在說什...
評分“日常生活如此沉悶無聊,我韆方百計地要逃之夭夭。” —— Steve Jones(性手槍樂隊吉他手),《Melody Maker》 赫伯迪格寫道:“自流行音樂自行發展以來,它逐漸衰退,變成瞭空虛的迪斯科舞麯與甜膩的情歌。”為瞭抵抗雷帝嘎嘎舞麯式的流行音樂,朋剋作為一種反叛的象徵在...
評分嬉皮士、垮掉的一代、無賴青年、摩登族、朋剋…… 一個個名詞都代錶瞭一個曾經瘋狂的年代與一撮曾經鶴立雞群的人。而如今都已經成為瞭一個符號,甚至一種信仰。 在當時,這撮人,肯定是大部分人眼中的小混混,不務正業,莫名其妙,遊離於主流之外。可是經過商業上的...
評分British skinheads wear cropped hair and overalls, in stylized representation of their Working-class fathers. This is an example of what Roland Barthes calls signification: the borrowed use of signs as an appearance, re- ferring to a reality elsewhere. ...
圖書標籤: Subculture 亞文化 文化研究 英國 Hebdige punk Britain 社會理論
Birmingham school代錶作 文化研究和文化社會學還是有點壁壘
評分為作者富於詩意和激情的寫作而5星。(想想這是人傢碩論 自己真太弱雞瞭...
評分文化以resistance and defusion,亞文化的創生與被收編為周期。發源於對社會不滿青年的亞文化,作為culture的一種,其實亦會被資本和意識形態收編,由此促生nonculture---punk的誕生。punk試圖衝破一切形式,以signifier本身為意義。
評分文化以resistance and defusion,亞文化的創生與被收編為周期。發源於對社會不滿青年的亞文化,作為culture的一種,其實亦會被資本和意識形態收編,由此促生nonculture---punk的誕生。punk試圖衝破一切形式,以signifier本身為意義。
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