作者簡介:沃格林(Eric Voegelin,1901-1985)/ 20世紀西方著名的政治哲學傢。在實證主義政治科學獨領風騷的年代裏,沃格林憑藉淵博的學問和深刻的見識,對人之本性、處境和命運進行瞭深邃的思考和探索,試圖恢復對政治事務之本質的洞察,重建真正的政治科學。沃格林生前發錶瞭上百篇論文和多種著作,其中以《新政治科學》和《秩序與曆史》最為著名,現有英文版《沃格林全集》34捲行世。
譯者簡介:段保良 / 政治學博士,執教於陝西師範大學,主要研究領域為政治哲學,西方政治思想史。
"Thirty-five years ago few could have predicted that "The New Science of Politics" would be a best-seller by political theory standards. Compressed within the Draconian economy of the six Walgreen lectures is a complete theory of man, society, and history, presented at the most profound and intellectual level. . . . Voegelin's [work] stands out in bold relief from much of what has passed under the name of political science in recent decades. . . . The New Science is aptly titled, for Voegelin makes clear at the outset that a 'return to the specific content' of premodern political theory is out of the question. . . . The subtitle of the book, An Introduction, clearly indicates that The New Science of Politics is an invitation to join the search for the recovery of our full humanity."--From the new Foreword by Dante Germino
"This book must be considered one of the most enlightening essays on the character of European politics that has appeared in half a century. . . . This is a book powerful and vivid enough to make agreement or disagreement with even its main thesis relatively unimportant."--"Times Literary Supplement "
"Voegelin . . . is one of the most distinguished interpreters to Americans of the non-liberal streams of European thought. . . . He brings a remarkable breadth of knowledge, and a historical imagination that ranges frequently into brilliant insights and generalizations."--Francis G. Wilson, "American Political Science Review "
"This book is beautifully constructed . . . his erudition constantly brings a startling illumination."--Martin Wright, "International Affairs "
"A ledestar to thinking men who seek a restoration of political science on the classic and Christian basis . . . a significant accomplishment in the retheorization of our age."--Anthony Harrigan, "Christian Century "
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李強*、葉穎** 譯 1 人在政治社會中的存在是曆史的存在;一種政治理論如果企望洞察原則的話,就必須同時是一種曆史理論。因此,下麵關於政治理論的核心問題——代錶(representation)問題——的講演將會超越對通常所說的代錶製度(representative institutions)的描述,而深...
評分【關鍵詞】埃裏剋·沃格林 新政治科學 曆史秩序 【齣版日期】2018-01-01 【摘要】埃裏剋·沃格林所說的“新政治科學”實際上是對古希臘古典政治學傳統的迴歸。基於其原則與方法,沃格林對東西方的曆史發展進程進行瞭富有獨創性的重新闡釋。他從對西方現代性危機的診斷入手,努...
評分【關鍵詞】埃裏剋·沃格林 新政治科學 曆史秩序 【齣版日期】2018-01-01 【摘要】埃裏剋·沃格林所說的“新政治科學”實際上是對古希臘古典政治學傳統的迴歸。基於其原則與方法,沃格林對東西方的曆史發展進程進行瞭富有獨創性的重新闡釋。他從對西方現代性危機的診斷入手,努...
評分亥沃德:論沃格林對政治理論的貢獻[1] 亥沃德[2] 一 人們不時會聽聞有關美國知名政治科學傢的排名錶,一般包括十名。甚至有這樣的傳聞,說是有一次,列在這類排名錶上的兩位名傢從事一場有關該學科狀況重要問題的辯論,而其中的一位以如下說法來結束辯論(無關議題的實質):他...
評分【關鍵詞】埃裏剋·沃格林 新政治科學 曆史秩序 【齣版日期】2018-01-01 【摘要】埃裏剋·沃格林所說的“新政治科學”實際上是對古希臘古典政治學傳統的迴歸。基於其原則與方法,沃格林對東西方的曆史發展進程進行瞭富有獨創性的重新闡釋。他從對西方現代性危機的診斷入手,努...
圖書標籤: 政治哲學 沃格林 思想史 政治學 Voegelin 哲學 英文原版 德國
"According to nomos there are many gods, while according to physis there is only one."--Antisthenes (81)
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