伊莎貝爾·阿連德(Isabel Allende,1942-),她齣身智利的名門世傢,薩爾瓦多·阿連德總統是她的伯父。她在一個奇妙的大傢庭長大,外祖母為她打開瞭探索神秘世界的心靈之門。 1973年,智利發生流血政變事件,她踏上流亡之路。 1981年,99歲的外祖父決定絕食自殺,她寫給他一封長信,這就是《幽靈之傢》。 1992年,29歲的愛女因病去世。她用文字讓自己變得更堅強。
Here, in an astonishing debut by a gifted storyteller, is the magnificent saga of proud and passionate men and women and the turbulent times through which they suffer and triumph. They are the Truebas. And theirs is a world you will not want to leave, and one you will not forget. Esteban -- The patriarch, a volatile and proud man whose lust for land is legendary and who is haunted by his tyrannical passion for the wife he can never completely possess. Clara -- The matriarch, elusive and mysterious, who foretells family tragedy and shapes the fortunes of the house of the Truebas. Blanca -- Their daughter, soft-spoken yet rebellious, whose shocking love for the son of her father's foreman fuels Esteban's everlasting contempt... even as it produces the grandchild he adores. Alba -- The fruit of Blanca's forbidden love, a luminous bearty, a fiery and willful woman... the family's break with the past and link to the future.
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【讀品】羅豫/文 《百年孤獨》風靡全球時,馬爾剋斯在名片上印瞭兩個關鍵詞,一是“拉丁美洲”,喚起人們關於野性、貧窮、殖民和革命的記憶;另一個,是“魔幻現實”——且不說瘋狂生長的植物、來勢洶洶的白蟻大軍、不可思議的巫術和預言,單這個相當吊詭的詞就足以讓理性主義...
評分大凡上溯起每個傢族的曆史,四代人中,總會有那麼些個被傢族成員津津樂道的古怪之人: 總會有那麼個美麗不可方物但早夭的姨婆或姑姥姥; 總會有那麼個在傢族中極具傳奇色彩的冒險傢娘舅; 總會有那麼個落拓不羈的敗傢子; 也總會有那麼個為道義捐軀的大善...
評分【讀品】羅豫/文 《百年孤獨》風靡全球時,馬爾剋斯在名片上印瞭兩個關鍵詞,一是“拉丁美洲”,喚起人們關於野性、貧窮、殖民和革命的記憶;另一個,是“魔幻現實”——且不說瘋狂生長的植物、來勢洶洶的白蟻大軍、不可思議的巫術和預言,單這個相當吊詭的詞就足以讓理性主義...
評分大凡上溯起每個傢族的曆史,四代人中,總會有那麼些個被傢族成員津津樂道的古怪之人: 總會有那麼個美麗不可方物但早夭的姨婆或姑姥姥; 總會有那麼個在傢族中極具傳奇色彩的冒險傢娘舅; 總會有那麼個落拓不羈的敗傢子; 也總會有那麼個為道義捐軀的大善...
評分高大威嚴,頑固裏帶幾分童真,骨子裏是格外性感的粗暴,做起事來火燒火燎。我懷疑我熱愛著這樣的男人,愛情像仇恨一樣濃烈,沒有節製,但最重要的,懂得迂迴的退讓。 埃斯特萬•特魯埃瓦。 有段時間我有點熱衷於泡酒吧,我被那種昏暗的燈光所蠱惑,旁邊的人很誇張的喊著各...
圖書標籤: Isabel_Allende 小說 外國文學 英文小說 小說 魔幻現實 英文原版 Fiction
The movie just pales in comparison. The enormity of details and contexual portrayal have the readers completely enthralled in an otherworldly dream that one wishes not to awake from. This was the starting point for me to understand Spanish culture and literature. Brilliant!
評分連滾帶爬在上課前二十分鍾讀完的= =Férula那段讀得在lab裏瞎哭,雖然到最後還是覺得氣弱,能夠完成的或許不及想要完成的……
評分One of the best ever, and even the English version is so beautiful
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