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Gods, Graves & Scholars


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C.W. Ceram visualized archeology as a wonderful combination of high adventure, romance, history and scholarship, and this book, a chronicle of man's search for his past, reads like a dramatic narrative. We travel with Heinrich Schliemann as, defying the ridicule of the learned world, he actually unearths the remains of the ancient city of Troy. We share the excitement of Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter as they first glimpse the riches of Tutankhamen's tomb, of George Smith when he found the ancient clay tablets that contained the records of the Biblical Flood. We rediscover the ruined splendors of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the wonders of the ancient wold; of Chichen Itza, the abandoned pyramids of the Maya: and the legendary Labyrinth of tile Minotaur in Crete. Here is much of the history of civilization and the stories of the men who rediscovered it.

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這是德國人馬雷剋以策拉姆為筆名發錶的通俗類專業考古學著作。讀者在閱讀中能夠迴眸望嚮那些幾韆年前已先於我們存在又在我們眼前消逝的文明世界。 作者追尋著冒險傢和偉大學者的足跡,從歐洲來到非洲,來到中東,又轉至中美洲,其筆下的愛琴海文明、古埃及文明、古巴比倫文明、...  


以前被問起讀啥科係的,說完答案後,通常人傢會問的不外乎:「以後要做啥工作?考古?」 我總是笑笑的亂答:「那是人類學係在做的(喂)。」 好吧我還真沒認識的人在做這行,大概是小弟太井底之蛙。 不過,歷史學跟考古學確實是相輔相成,沒有後者,很多史事光靠文獻根本是不足...  


聽到過很多人的願望,好些人甚至女生都想當個考古人。我想,他們都有一種強烈的好奇心和勇於探索的氣質。 考古是智者的戰場。考古傢的工作,除卻發掘,更多的是解謎。誰都不知道謎底,謎麵也不是那麼清晰,一切都要靠考古傢的天纔判斷。 現代的考古,已經有瞭很多輔助的手段...  


對古文明文化的興趣源於以前無意中買下的一本書,西拉姆著的《神袛.墳墓.學者》。考古和我的學業工作風馬牛不相及,買下此書的原因僅僅在於它是三聯齣版的,而我恰好是三聯的忠實擁躉。 但是這本注定與我有緣的書,幫我打開瞭瞭解古文明文化的大門,阿加門農的麵具、羅塞踏碑的...  


應該是從小時候看的秦始皇陵紀錄片開始,對考古就開始産生瞭興趣。跨越時間的維度,再現同一片土地上,在韆年前發生的故事,總讓人有一種莫名的欣喜,彷佛是活過更長的時間,經曆瞭更豐富的人生。 讓塵封的曆史重見天日,親眼所見的考古人該是怎樣的心情呀,應該不亞於科學大發...  

類似圖書 點擊查看全場最低價
作者:C.W. Ceram
價格:USD 14.00

圖書標籤: 考古  曆史  英文原版   

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C. W. Ceram traces back to early stages when archeology was merely digging things from the earth. The book also answers one significant question for the discipline: why study archeology today? Whilst anticipating an evolving future, what in the past shall not be forgotten who we are. Literature for vocabularies and syntaxes in a good way.


C. W. Ceram traces back to early stages when archeology was merely digging things from the earth. The book also answers one significant question for the discipline: why study archeology today? Whilst anticipating an evolving future, what in the past shall not be forgotten who we are. Literature for vocabularies and syntaxes in a good way.


C. W. Ceram traces back to early stages when archeology was merely digging things from the earth. The book also answers one significant question for the discipline: why study archeology today? Whilst anticipating an evolving future, what in the past shall not be forgotten who we are. Literature for vocabularies and syntaxes in a good way.


C. W. Ceram traces back to early stages when archeology was merely digging things from the earth. The book also answers one significant question for the discipline: why study archeology today? Whilst anticipating an evolving future, what in the past shall not be forgotten who we are. Literature for vocabularies and syntaxes in a good way.


C. W. Ceram traces back to early stages when archeology was merely digging things from the earth. The book also answers one significant question for the discipline: why study archeology today? Whilst anticipating an evolving future, what in the past shall not be forgotten who we are. Literature for vocabularies and syntaxes in a good way.

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