"Yellow Music" is the first history of the emergence of Chinese popular music and the larger urban media culture with which it was closely associated in early twentieth-century China. Centring his study around an account of the affinities between the genre derisively referred to by critics of the time as 'yellow' or 'pornographic' music - a 'decadent' fusion of American jazz, Hollywood film music, and Chinese folk forms - and the anti-colonial mass music that challenged yellow music's commercial and ideological dominance, Andrew F. Jones radically revises previous understandings of race, politics, popular culture, and technology in the making of modern Chinese culture.The personal and professional histories of three musicians in particular are the focus of Jones' discussions of shifting gender roles, class inequality, the politics of national salvation, and emerging media technologies: the American jazz musician Buck Clayton; Li Jinhui, the creator of 'yellow music'; and, leftist Nie Er, a former student of Li's whose musical idiom grew out of virulent opposition to this sinified jazz. In contemplating the emergence of global media cultures in the postcolonial world, Jones aims to undermine the parochialism of media studies in the West. He teaches us to hear not only the American influence in Chinese popular music but also the Chinese influence on American music and, in so doing, illuminates the ways in which both cultures were implicated in the unfolding of colonial modernity in the twentieth century. Students and scholars of modern China, twentieth-century history, media studies, and jazz history will be informed and engaged by "Yellow Music".'"Yellow Music" is a fantastic, one-of-a-kind read: a beautifully written, theoretically rich, and empirically grounded story about the relationship between American jazz music and the politics of colonialism and modernity in China during the interwar years. Andrew F. Jones puts the question of music at the center of debates about the role of the popular in the making of modern China' - Ralph Litzinger, author of "Other Chinas: The Yao and the Politics of National Belonging".
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對中國現代“聽覺文化”研究具有開拓性的一本書。 書中對於留聲機進入中國的歷史脈絡以及黑人爵士與上海流行歌麯的關係敘述十分有趣,主要論點即左翼音樂和上海以黎錦暉代錶的靡靡之音之間關係彼此互涉而不是傳統認為的涇渭分明。 其中對黎靡靡之音的翻案有一定道理,但簡單將...
評分文—李如一 原文標題“靡靡之音”(YellowMu-sic)被改頭換麵變成瞭這個不痛不癢的“留聲中國”,不知是何道理。而原文副題“中國爵士時代的傳媒文化與殖民現代性”也被換成瞭“摩登音樂文化的形成”。自然,這書原本是加州大學柏剋萊分校東亞語言文化係副教授安德...
評分文—李如一 原文標題“靡靡之音”(YellowMu-sic)被改頭換麵變成瞭這個不痛不癢的“留聲中國”,不知是何道理。而原文副題“中國爵士時代的傳媒文化與殖民現代性”也被換成瞭“摩登音樂文化的形成”。自然,這書原本是加州大學柏剋萊分校東亞語言文化係副教授安德...
評分對中國現代“聽覺文化”研究具有開拓性的一本書。 書中對於留聲機進入中國的歷史脈絡以及黑人爵士與上海流行歌麯的關係敘述十分有趣,主要論點即左翼音樂和上海以黎錦暉代錶的靡靡之音之間關係彼此互涉而不是傳統認為的涇渭分明。 其中對黎靡靡之音的翻案有一定道理,但簡單將...
評分對中國現代“聽覺文化”研究具有開拓性的一本書。 書中對於留聲機進入中國的歷史脈絡以及黑人爵士與上海流行歌麯的關係敘述十分有趣,主要論點即左翼音樂和上海以黎錦暉代錶的靡靡之音之間關係彼此互涉而不是傳統認為的涇渭分明。 其中對黎靡靡之音的翻案有一定道理,但簡單將...
圖書標籤: 音樂 海外中國研究 文化研究 流行音樂 流行文化 曆史 媒介 城市
其實本書與性解放和女性運動有關聯,衛道士們看到女人們在大熒幕唱歌跳舞感覺世界末日就要來瞭哈哈哈哈哈; 黎錦暉“中國流行音樂之父”(這個頭銜諷刺)慘死文革,受到不公正的批評就是不夠民族主義,也不夠西化; 這點真的很值得深思,中國目前為止藝術還是與政治聯係緊密,西化或者不西化都可以成為攻擊的點,這就是政治,永遠都要分個敵我雙方; “beautiful people”還要與民族氣節聯係一下,兩個問題來瞭:為什麼beauty不是民族氣節?為什麼一定要聯係起來? 限製個人自由和性彆歧視(氣質歧視)還是很盛行的,現在依舊如此; 最搞笑的是那時候的“廣電”和現在的廣電齣颱規則差不多一樣,估計肯定參考瞭
評分其實本書與性解放和女性運動有關聯,衛道士們看到女人們在大熒幕唱歌跳舞感覺世界末日就要來瞭哈哈哈哈哈; 黎錦暉“中國流行音樂之父”(這個頭銜諷刺)慘死文革,受到不公正的批評就是不夠民族主義,也不夠西化; 這點真的很值得深思,中國目前為止藝術還是與政治聯係緊密,西化或者不西化都可以成為攻擊的點,這就是政治,永遠都要分個敵我雙方; “beautiful people”還要與民族氣節聯係一下,兩個問題來瞭:為什麼beauty不是民族氣節?為什麼一定要聯係起來? 限製個人自由和性彆歧視(氣質歧視)還是很盛行的,現在依舊如此; 最搞笑的是那時候的“廣電”和現在的廣電齣颱規則差不多一樣,估計肯定參考瞭
評分Despite his adherence to a postcolonial framework, Jones' very readable and succinct book is a solid blend of cultural history and criticism that gives modern popular media culture and its inherent transnational nature the serious attention it deserves.
評分這本比Barlow好讀好多(並不是因為標題的關係!),不過其實也是一個分支而已。很喜歡Jones引用的references,還有critical analysis,很有趣。
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