人口论 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
马尔萨斯的原著, 自然是值得珍藏. 但这个版本真是翻译得粗糙. 就算我不说这个译者"陈小白"的英文差, 至少也得批评他/她的汉语差. 怎么把话说得正常一点, 把些个专业术语能清楚些, 就那么难吗?
评分今天读了芝加哥经济学派的大牛货,92年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Gary Becker的一篇论文, 主要是针对马尔萨斯的人口论,给同学们写几点分享。 马尔萨斯的起点是,我们的生存资源是有限的,地球就只能养活一定数量的人口,所以到达某一点就会出现马尔萨斯人口陷阱(malthusian catastr...
评分我只能说内容是极好的,而大部分批评此书内容的人都是在那断章取义。也许是我读得不够仔细,毕竟只读了一遍,不过我感觉开篇李宗正那篇评论,完全是为社会主义捧臭脚的。 “恩格斯……批判马尔萨斯观点的时候认为社会主义革命‘就能保证永远不再因人口过剩而恐惧不安’……也...
图书标签: 社会学 齐·剑桥政治思想史原著系列(影印本)(中国政法大学出版社) 马尔萨斯 经济 社會學 新制度的思想起源 文明思考 政治思想
This volume makes available to a student audience one of the most controversial and miunderstood works published during the last two hundred years.Malthus`s Essay an Principle of Population began life in 1798 as a polite attock on some post-French-revolutionary speculations on the theme of social and human hopes set by the tension between population growth and natural resources.This edition is based on the authoritative variorum of the mature versions of the Essay published over the period 1803 to 1826.this was the period during which Malthus collected further demographic evidence and developed a distinctive stance as a political moralist on a number of important policy questions that were central to public debate during and immediatedy after the Napoleonic wars-the period in which Britain the adequacy of its political institutions and economic policies in the face of rapid population growth,political and industrialization.
The introduction and notes are aimed specifically at a modern student audience interested in how Malthusianism impinges on the history of political thought.
人口论 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书