This volume makes available to a student audience one of the most controversial and miunderstood works published during the last two hundred years.Malthus`s Essay an Principle of Population began life in 1798 as a polite attock on some post-French-revolutionary speculations on the theme of social and human hopes set by the tension between population growth and natural resources.This edition is based on the authoritative variorum of the mature versions of the Essay published over the period 1803 to 1826.this was the period during which Malthus collected further demographic evidence and developed a distinctive stance as a political moralist on a number of important policy questions that were central to public debate during and immediatedy after the Napoleonic wars-the period in which Britain the adequacy of its political institutions and economic policies in the face of rapid population growth,political and industrialization.
The introduction and notes are aimed specifically at a modern student audience interested in how Malthusianism impinges on the history of political thought.
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我隻能說內容是極好的,而大部分批評此書內容的人都是在那斷章取義。也許是我讀得不夠仔細,畢竟隻讀瞭一遍,不過我感覺開篇李宗正那篇評論,完全是為社會主義捧臭腳的。 “恩格斯……批判馬爾薩斯觀點的時候認為社會主義革命‘就能保證永遠不再因人口過剩而恐懼不安’……也...
評分 評分 1. 馬爾薩斯說瞭什麼? 馬爾薩斯說:除非受到抑製,人口將呈幾何級數增長。那麼,什麼東西會抑製人口的增長呢?馬爾薩斯認為,決定性的因素是生活資料,理由是:在邊際上,勞動力的進一步投入將帶來越來越少的産齣增量。所以他又說:...
評分馬爾薩斯在此提齣瞭Malthusian trap。其意思是說,人類繁殖速度比糧食産量提高速度快,因此,人口的數量就被有限的糧食産量所限定,而且隨著糧食産量的提升而增大,這就導緻人口數量/糧食總量保持恒定,也就是恰好能養活全部人口的生存綫上(準確說是達到某種經濟均衡,剛好使...
圖書標籤: 社會學 齊·劍橋政治思想史原著係列(影印本)(中國政法大學齣版社) 馬爾薩斯 經濟 社會學 新製度的思想起源 文明思考 政治思想
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