Steven Johnson is the bestselling author of ten books, including Wonderland, How We Got to Now, Where Good Ideas Come From, The Invention of Air, The Ghost Map, and Everything Bad Is Good for You.
The founder of a variety of influential websites, he is the host and co-creator of the PBS and BBC series How We Got to Now. Johnson lives in Marin County, California, and Brooklyn, New York, with his wife and three sons.
In this nationally bestselling, compulsively readable account of what makes brain science a vital component of people's quest to know themselves, acclaimed science writer Steven Johnson subjects his own brain to a battery of tests to find out what's really going on inside. He asks: UL LIHow do we "read" other people? LI LIWhat is the neurochemistry behind love and sex? LI LIWhat does it mean that the brain is teeming with powerful chemicals closely related to recreational drugs? LI LIWhy does music move us to tears? LI LIWhere do breakthrough ideas come from?/ULJohnson answers these and many more questions arising from the events of our everyday lives. You do not have to be a neuroscientist to wonder, for example, why do you smile? And why do you sometimes smile inappropriately, even if you don't want to? How do others read your inappropriate smile? How does such interplay occur neurochemically, and what, if anything, can you do about it?Fascinating and rewarding, "Mind Wide Open" speaks to brain buffs, self-obsessed neurotics, barstool psychologists, mystified parents, grumpy spouses, exasperated managers, and anyone who enjoys speculating and gossiping about the motivations and behaviors of other human beings. Steven Johnson shows us the transformative power of understanding brain science and offers new modes of introspection and tools for better parenting, better relationships, and better living.
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大腦是人類文明的開始 ——讀《心思大開:日常生活的神經科學》 彭忠富 去年的一場車禍讓父親遭受重創,頭部積液使他意識模糊。醫生說必須做引流手術,把積液排齣來,否則會留下後遺癥。從手術室齣來後不久,父親就開始喋喋不休地跟我們談話。我問起年少時的一些事情,父親對答...
評分2017年10月4日 ——已看完—— 主要內容:用激素去解釋心理學。 1.研究點模糊。提取不齣清晰的問題,解說不成係統,闡述非常淺顯,缺少係統性的深入思考。 2.缺少研究方法和樣本數據。很多心理學著作給我的印象非常差,因為他們作齣結論的時候,似乎是不需要樣本前提的。假如他...
評分 評分 評分過去幾十年的研究顯示,當我們成長、發展時,特殊的記憶會改變我們,生活的經驗也會像基因一樣改變我們的大腦。當我們在做一個無聲的心智閱讀對話時,我們動用進化來的人類本性中的認知工具,但是每一次心智閱讀的交換都是獨特的,依那個人的記憶和個人的生活經驗而有所不同。 ...
圖書標籤: 心理學 腦科學 認知 英文 個人發展 認知科學 有聲讀物 思維
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