Gary Marcus is an award-wining Professor of Psychology at New York University and director of the NYU Center for Child Language. He has written three books about the origins and nature of the human mind, including Kluge (2008, Houghton Mifflin/Faber), and The Birth of the Mind (Basic Books, 2004, translated into 6 languages). He is also the editor of The Norton Psychology Reader, and the author of numerous science publications in leading journals, such as Science, Nature, Cognition, and Psychological Science. He is also the editor of the Norton Psychology Reader and has frequently written articles for the general public, in forums such as Wired, Discover, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times.
Are we “noble in reason”? Perfect, in God’s image? Far from it, says New York University psychologist Gary Marcus. In this lucid and revealing book, Marcus argues that the mind is not an elegantly designed organ but rather a “kluge,” a clumsy, cobbled-together contraption. He unveils a fundamentally new way of looking at the human mind -- think duct tape, not supercomputer -- that sheds light on some of the most mysterious aspects of human nature.
Taking us on a tour of the fundamental areas of human experience -- memory, belief, decision-making, language, and happiness -- Marcus reveals the myriad ways our minds fall short. He examines why people often vote against their own interests, why money can’t buy happiness, why leaders often stick to bad decisions, and why a sentence like “people people left left” ties us in knots even though it’s only four words long.
Marcus also offers surprisingly effective ways to outwit our inner kluge, for the betterment of ourselves and society. Throughout, he shows how only evolution -- haphazard and undirected -- could have produced the minds we humans have, while making a brilliant case for the power and usefulness of imperfection.
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學者們常說,人類進化成直立行走的動物,纔解放瞭雙手,讓我們成為智人。 然而這樣的進化優勢,卻同時也讓我們患上瞭四足動物不會有的病,比如人走多瞭、坐久瞭都會腰疼,那是因為脊椎受不瞭。 直立之後,讓我們脊椎難以承受身體的重量,嗅覺變得不再靈敏,還要提前將胎兒排除...
評分 評分一直以為是精密的大腦竟然是個剋魯茲,是一個沒有發育完全的傢夥,原本堅信的判斷也據此有瞭一些動搖和質疑 關於語言,選擇,快樂,記憶,都那麼容易受到一些乾擾 祖傳和慎思係統,心理汙染,自圓其說,精神崩潰 批判性思維進行反思,其它選項,重新界定問題,相關關係,樣本量...
評分本書結構簡單內容短小,寫作略顯拖遝臃腫,170多頁的正文實際上大約120頁就能說完。 本書從各角度討論人類認知世界(interpretation of information) 以及根據信息作齣選擇(decision making)過程中常見的mistakes,bias以及産生的原因。原因的分析很有意思但是論證不夠充足也沒...
評分一直以為是精密的大腦竟然是個剋魯茲,是一個沒有發育完全的傢夥,原本堅信的判斷也據此有瞭一些動搖和質疑 關於語言,選擇,快樂,記憶,都那麼容易受到一些乾擾 祖傳和慎思係統,心理汙染,自圓其說,精神崩潰 批判性思維進行反思,其它選項,重新界定問題,相關關係,樣本量...
圖書標籤: 心理學 認知科學 科普 腦科學 Mind 思維 認知神經科學 Psychology
評分The irrational part of the mind is actually an efficient evolution of mind. This book is only for popular readers.
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