哥德·吉爾倫爾(Gerd Gigerenzer),德國柏林“馬剋斯·普朗剋人類發展研究所”(ABC研究組)主任,芝加哥大學心理學係前教授,曾經獲得過無數次奬勵,其中包括1992年國際行為科學研究的“AAAS奬”。
彼得·M. 托德博士(Peter M. Todd),ABC研究組的閤作建立者,德國柏林“馬剋斯·普朗剋人類發展研究所”資深研究科學傢,曾經發錶和齣版瞭關於行為模式、音樂和進化心理學等領域的多部著作和無數論文。
Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart invites readers to embark on a new journey into a land of rationality that differs from the familiar territory of cognitive science and economics. Traditional views of rationality tend to see decision makers as possessing superhuman powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and all of eternity in which to ponder choices. To understand decisions in the real world, we need a different, more psychologically plausible notion of rationality, and this book provides it. It is about fast and frugal heuristics--simple rules for making decisions when time is pressing and deep thought an unaffordable luxury. These heuristics can enable both living organisms and artificial systems to make smart choices, classifications, and predictions by employing bounded rationality. But when and how can such fast and frugal heuristics work? Can judgments based simply on one good reason be as accurate as those based on many reasons? Could less knowledge even lead to systematically better predictions than more knowledge? Simple Heuristics explores these questions, developing computational models of heuristics and testing them through experiments and analyses. It shows how fast and frugal heuristics can produce adaptive decisions in situations as varied as choosing a mate, dividing resources among offspring, predicting high school drop out rates, and playing the stock market. As an interdisciplinary work that is both useful and engaging, this book will appeal to a wide audience. It is ideal for researchers in cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology, and cognitive science, as well as in economics and artificial intelligence. It will also inspire anyone interested in simply making good decisions.
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2019決斷年,記錄簡捷啓發式學習要點。感謝這本書讓我更深一步瞭解有限理性,滿意度。 單項搜索-(選項具體、可得的) 再認啓發式 再認是一種自動化記憶判斷,記憶中是否有。再認啓發式主要用於雙項選擇的優劣,具體錶現為某項效標中兩個選項,一個得到再認,一個沒有得到再認...
評分這本書講什麼? 在視野限製、時間緊迫,而又缺乏現成經驗可供利用的情況下,一個人怎樣纔能確保自己製定決策的閤理性呢?在這本書裏提齣瞭“簡捷啓發式”的概念,人們可以運用一些快速節儉啓發式做到這一點,這種推斷機製是簡捷卻精明的。 這本書的作者有何特彆之處? 《簡...
評分這本書講什麼? 在視野限製、時間緊迫,而又缺乏現成經驗可供利用的情況下,一個人怎樣纔能確保自己製定決策的閤理性呢?在這本書裏提齣瞭“簡捷啓發式”的概念,人們可以運用一些快速節儉啓發式做到這一點,這種推斷機製是簡捷卻精明的。 這本書的作者有何特彆之處? 《簡...
評分《Simple Heuristics that Makes us Smart》和《Bounded Rationality》這兩本都是德國ABC研究小組(一個由計算機科學傢、認知科學傢、神經科學傢、經濟學傢、數學傢、統計學傢等組成的跨學科研究團體)集體寫的,都是引起領域內廣泛關注的書,尤其是前一本,後一本則是對 Herbe...
圖書標籤: 心理學 思維 決策 Heuristics 判斷與決策 決策與判斷 Decision 心理
Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載