Uncle Tom's Cabin 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
曾经的奴隶制度让我感觉到后怕,这似乎是人类野蛮的行为,如何会出现在一个高度文明的国家。这不禁让我想起了可耻的日侵华事件,民族可以原谅却永远不能释怀,伤疤总会结痂,但想起总会隐隐作痛。 一个人的灵魂和肉体经过无数次的贱卖,使多少妻离子散,多少...
评分看之前早就被这本书的重要意义给洗脑了 我关注了两点 1.善与恶太分明,人性的复杂性完全给忽略掉了好伐,不是所有人从头坏到脚,善良的人就是天使下凡吧。。。 2.软广告啊软广告啊,看完之后我都快被洗脑了。信基督啊!亲 汤姆叔叔最后和少爷告别的时候我鼻子都酸了 明知道是...
评分读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》后有段话印象深刻,与大家共享。 基督徒的平安心境,是靠信奉一位聪明睿智、统领一切的天父来维持的。他的存在,使空虚的未知世界充满了光明和秩序。然而,对于违抗上帝统治的人来说,那片幽灵的国度,则是“黑暗和死阴之地”,混混沌沌,没有秩序,黑暗...
评分图书标签: 汤姆叔叔的小屋
When Uncle Tom's Cabin was published in 1852, it became an international blockbuster, selling more than 300,000 copies in the United States alone in its first year. Progressive for her time, Harriet Beecher Stowe was one of the earliest writers to offer a shockingly realistic depiction of slavery. Her stirring indictment and portrait of human dignity in the most inhumane circumstances enlightened hundreds of thousands by revealing the human costs of slavery, which had until then been cloaked and justified by the racist misperceptions of the time. Langston Hughes called it "a moral battle cry," noting that "the love and warmth and humanity that went into its writing keep it alive a century later," and Tolstoy described it as "flowing from love of God and man."
Uncle Tom's Cabin 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书