湯姆·霍蘭(Tom Holland)英國暢銷曆史作傢,尤其擅長古典曆史文學寫作。他曾就讀於劍橋大學,取得瞭英語、拉丁語兩科一等榮譽學位。
In 49 B.C., the seven hundred fifth year since the founding of Rome, Julius Caesar crossed a small border river called the Rubicon and plunged Rome into cataclysmic civil war. Tom Holland’s enthralling account tells the story of Caesar’s generation, witness to the twilight of the Republic and its bloody transformation into an empire. From Cicero, Spartacus, and Brutus, to Cleopatra, Virgil, and Augustus, here are some of the most legendary figures in history brought thrillingly to life. Combining verve and freshness with scrupulous scholarship, Rubicon is not only an engrossing history of this pivotal era but a uniquely resonant portrait of a great civilization in all its extremes of self-sacrifice and rivalry, decadence and catastrophe, intrigue, war, and world-shaking ambition.
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A very detailed investigation into the last century of the Roman republic, answering the big questions of "how" and "why" it fell through a vivid narrative, which, in my opinion, succeeded triumphantly. The institution of the republic was rivaled first and ...
評分幾個星期前,當我沉浸在此書當中。我多麼希望自己成為古羅馬共和國廣場上的一個石柱:傾聽那些傳說中的精彩演講和聽眾的歡呼,目睹那些血腥的屠殺,看著命如草芥的販夫走卒或者名貫古今的達官顯貴血濺羅馬城,直到最後,連同帝國,一同倒在蠻族劫掠的大火之中。 作為一個美國...
評分得到聽書: 本書微觀和宏觀兩方麵給我們啓發: 微觀層麵上,它為我們展示瞭愷撒的成功之道:他善於營造名聲,他能充分利用有限的資源,抓住一閃即逝的機會。他懂得剋製,剋製對金錢的貪念,讓他換來瞭軍隊的效忠;剋製對權力的急切,讓他在晚年沒有急於稱帝,從而留下瞭好名聲。...
圖書標籤: 羅馬 曆史 History 英文 羅馬,曆史,History,英文,曆史 的 電子版 開捲八分鍾
A very detailed investigation into the last century of the Roman republic, answering the big questions of "how" and "why" it fell through a vivid narrative, which, in my opinion, succeeded triumphantly. The institution of the republic was rivaled first and disrupted later by unchecked personal ambition, but it's not the only story to be told.
評分能把這麼好看的一段曆史寫得這麼無聊也是有點水平的,還有大段的主觀臆斷。作者似乎特彆執迷於以史為鏡,把自己繞到溝裏去瞭。文筆和見地都遠不如Adrian Goldsworthy。看到三分之二就實在看不下去瞭。
評分A very detailed investigation into the last century of the Roman republic, answering the big questions of "how" and "why" it fell through a vivid narrative, which, in my opinion, succeeded triumphantly. The institution of the republic was rivaled first and disrupted later by unchecked personal ambition, but it's not the only story to be told.
評分看完瞭!The Fruit of too much liberty is slavery! [哇哇大哭】唯一的安慰是貌似內戰連連纔是羅馬共和國的死亡宣言。。。勞苦大眾選擇和平時期的奴役因為自由的內亂太苦瞭//Imperium 看完覺得不過癮,轉而來讀 Rubicon, 開篇就讓人眼睛一亮喜歡!雖然隻看到7%。。。興趣盎然!
評分The fruits of too much liberty is slavery.
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