Nigel Barley (born 1947 in Kingston upon Thames, England) is an anthropologist famous for the books he has written on his experiences. He studied modern languages at Cambridge University and completed a doctorate in social anthropology at Oxford University. He held a number of academic positions before joining the British Museum as an assistant keeper in the Department of Ethnography, where he remained until 2003.
Barley's first book, The Innocent Anthropologist, was a witty and informative account of anthropological field work among the Dowayo people of Cameroon. Thereafter he published a number of works about Africa and Indonesia in such genres as travel, art, historical biography, and fiction.
Barley has been twice nominated for the Travelex Writer of the Year Award. In 2002, he won the Foreign Press Association prize for travel writing.
The Innocent Anthropologist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分人类学家自十九世纪以来试图通过综合生物学和社会达尔文主义的理论描绘出人类文化与社会的蓝图。他们的形象要么是信仰坚定、走乡串野,寻找类似人类头骨之类的生物人类学家(biological anthropologist);要么是睿智善谈、专注于资料研究,在跨学科领域备受瞩目的文化人类...
评分有这样一本书,你在无聊时候随手翻起,忘了从哪页看起,不一会你就读到一段好笑的文字,然后,又翻了几页,你已然兴奋的如发现了一个新大陆,于是你老老实实又迫不及待的从头看起,不想错漏了每一个字,每一页纸。 《天真的人类学家》就是这么对待我的。 是书讲述了一个英国...
图书标签: 人类学 Anthropology 民族志 文化 非洲 英国 英国文学 人類學
When British anthropologist Nigel Barley set up home among the Dowayo people in northern Cameroon, he knew how fieldwork should be conducted. Unfortunately, nobody had told the Dowayo. His compulsive, witty account of first fieldwork offers a wonderfully inspiring introduction to the real life of a cultural anthropologist doing research in a Third World area. Both touching and hilarious, Barley’s unconventional story—in which he survived boredom, hostility, disaster, and illness—addresses many critical issues in anthropology and in fieldwork.
The Innocent Anthropologist 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书