卡尔•施米特(Carl Schmitt,1888年7月11日-1985年4月7日)
Political Theology 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
理了一下文献,概念和观点整理待补充。 - 施密特与阿甘本的对话性在于:两者没有直接、公开的论战,但阿甘本的法律—政治思想是建立在于施密特的批判性缺失上,阿甘本延续了施密特将主权与例外状态密切挂钩的思路。一方面,阿甘本从非常状态理论着手反思当代的政治现实,另一方...
评分徐贲 在战后的西德,卡尔·施米特(Carl Schmitt)代表的是“失节的知识分子”,他们在魏玛时期属于政治右翼,在1933年以后与纳粹合作或同流合污。正如德国学者凡拉克(D. van Laak)所说,施米特确实有知名度,他的有名,不是因为人们可以忘记他失节的过去,而恰恰是因为人们...
评分政治的神学与政治的形而上学 从启蒙运动的理性主义发展至今天的自由主义的中立性,已经在哲学层面取消了神学与形而上学,在现代社会中,政治越来越法治化,法律越来越实定化。在施米特看来,这恰恰是对政治中的“非常状态”(例外状态)的一种漠视。而实际上,例外状态所带来的...
评分施密特的洞察力不代表他擁有洞見:因為他既然發現國家作為統一的秩序,這也是種發明:國家之外別無他物,而這時的敵人只是外敵,戰爭的敵我劃分也尚在國家之間,但是它很快就會發覺內敵。 施密特在書中沒有直接主張任何一種形式的法,他看似處於天平的中間,卻已經隱含了他的判...
评分政治的神学与政治的形而上学 从启蒙运动的理性主义发展至今天的自由主义的中立性,已经在哲学层面取消了神学与形而上学,在现代社会中,政治越来越法治化,法律越来越实定化。在施米特看来,这恰恰是对政治中的“非常状态”(例外状态)的一种漠视。而实际上,例外状态所带来的...
图书标签: 政治哲学 Schmitt 施米特 政治神学 法律 宪法学 Carl_Schmitt 政治学
Written in the intense political and intellectual tumult of the early years of the Weimar Republic, "Political Theology" develops the distinctive theory of sovereignty that made Carl Schmitt one of the most significant and controversial political theorists of the twentieth century. Focusing on the relationships among political leadership, the norms of the legal order, and the state of political emergency, Schmitt argues in "Political Theology" that legal order ultimately rests upon the decisions of the sovereign. According to Schmitt, only the sovereign can meet the needs of an "exceptional" time and transcend legal order so that order can then be reestablished. Convinced that the state is governed by the ever-present possibility of conflict, Schmitt theorizes that the state exists only to maintain its integrity in order to ensure order and stability. Suggesting that all concepts of modern political thought are secularized theological concepts, Schmitt concludes "Political Theology" with a critique of liberalism and its attempt to depoliticize political thought by avoiding fundamental political decisions.
Secularization of the Political; it is disturbing, polemical, and problematic. Need to be read with clear reference to the urgent question conceived by Schmitt about the situation of Weimer Republic in the 1920s, otherwise his reasoning would look very very embarrassing.
评分和written law还有Badiou联系起来读还蛮有意思的
评分Secularization of the Political; it is disturbing, polemical, and problematic. Need to be read with clear reference to the urgent question conceived by Schmitt about the situation of Weimer Republic in the 1920s, otherwise his reasoning would look very very embarrassing.
评分Failed democracy in modern times will lead to covert dictatorship. 文章本身写得不太漂亮。
Political Theology 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书