Leonard Marnham is assigned to a British-American surveillance team in Cold War Berlin. His intelligence work—tunneling under a Russian communications center to tap the phone lines to Moscow—offers him a welcome opportunity to begin shedding his own unwanted innocence, even if he is only a bit player in a grim international comedy of errors. Leonard's relationship with Maria Eckdorf, an enigmatic and beautiful West Berliner, likewise promises to loosen the bonds of his ordinary life. But the promise turns to horror in the course of one terrible evening—a night when Leonard Marnham learns just how much of his innocence he's willing to shed.
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評分伊恩·麥剋尤恩的作品《隻愛陌生人》 科林和瑪麗外齣度假。相戀7年的兩人,對愛情漸漸失去瞭激情。與羅伯特看似意外的相遇確是一場無法脫身的陰謀。 是典型的“恐怖尤恩”時期的代錶作,著力探索的是變態性愛在人性中的位置及深層原因。
評分(《外灘畫報》特稿) 1990年冷戰間諜題材的小說《無辜者》問世時,有記者問他:“你為瞭寫《無辜者》作過醫學研究嗎?” 麥剋尤恩煞有介事地迴答說:“我和麥剋•當尼爾吃過飯,他是病理學專傢。我告訴他我要寫一個沒有接受過訓練的受驚嚇的人鋸一具屍體。” 采訪者有點驚恐...
評分圖書標籤: Ian_Mcewan 英國文學 IanMcEwan 英國 小說 英文版 英文原版 早晚有一天,我會買瞭它。
Now I know what's suspense. Love him all the more!!!
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評分Nothing can help when love lost. Bravery struggles with pride,the latter wins. Like all stories Austin written, gap between men and women can barely be seamed and repaired. Nevertheless,innocent and sincere really touch readers. It's the power of love. Then McEvan fills old frame with fresh components even history and murder bloodily play roles.
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