她是美国各大文学奖项的常胜客。2002年她获得怀丁基金会的怀丁作家奖(Whiting Award),1998年则人选海明威文学奖。她还得过芝加哥论坛报举办的倪尔森爱格林奖(Nelson Algren Award),全国杂志奖(National Magazine Award)等等。
The Memory Keeper's Daughter 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在中国传统文化中,生父母比养父母更值得尊敬。发肤受之于父母,且无权使其有丝毫毁损,更不用提生命本身了。生育乃一重恩,养育又是一重,双恩并施,是儿女一辈子也还不完的债。 然而我们看到,越来越多的西方作品开始探讨,甚至质疑这个定论。《不存在的女儿》和《...
评分女儿不是不存在了,只是存在于一个亲生父母不知道的国度 并于此国度生活得好好的 纵使看到了戴维的内疚与后悔,亦知道他做出如此一个决定的原因, 纵使明白到菲比如果呆在亲生父母身边并不一定比现在幸福, 可是,依然无法认同将亲生儿女抛弃的行为。 此书与其他书相比更注...
评分"你捕捉不住光线。你只能抬起头来,让光线照在你的脸上。”“爸爸试图让一切定格,但世界是流动的,包围不住的。” 英文的书名是——the timekeeper's daughter,读完印象最深的并不是故事的主线——谎言造成的隔阂,而是亨利用相机徒劳地捕捉每个光与影。就像他儿子保...
评分这是一本严肃的书。尽管它主题温润,用词柔缓美妙,也有一个圆满的大结局。断断续续看了很久,回想时发现心里留下的不是一个故事,而是那些正在或可能发生在你我生命中的片段。它们是如此真切,让我久久不敢直面。 当心里有了秘密,你会如何应对生活?《不存在的女儿》所讲述...
图书标签: 小说 英文原版 外国文学 daughter 美国 keeper's memory 文学
Kim Edwardsas stunning family drama evokes the spirit of Sue Miller and Alice Sebold, articulating every motheras silent fear: what would happen if you lost your child and she grew up without you? In 1964, when a blizzard forces Dr. David Henry to deliver his own twins, he immediately recognizes that one of them has Down Syndrome and makes a split-second decision that will haunt all their lives forever. He asks his nurse to take the baby away to an institution and to keep her birth a secret. Instead, she disappears into another city to raise the child as her own. Compulsively readable and deeply moving, "The Memory Keeperas Daughter" is an astonishing tale of redemptive love. BACKCOVER: aEdwards is a born novelist. . . . Rich with psychological detail and the nuances of human connection.a a"Chicago Tribune" aUnfolds from an absolutely gripping premise, drawing you deeply and irrevocably into the entangled lives of two families and the devastating secret that shaped them both. I loved this riveting story.a aSue Monk Kidd aAnyone would be struck by the extraordinary power and sympathy of "The Memory Keeperas Daughter."a a"The Washington Post" aKim Edwards has written a novel so mesmerizing that I devoured it. . . . "The Memory Keeperas Daughter" has it all.a aSena Jeter Naslund aKim Edwards has created a tale of regret and redemption, of honest emotion, of characters haunted by their past. This is simply a beautiful book.a aJodi Picoult
The Memory Keeper's Daughter 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书