Mandragola 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
白格:关于《曼陀罗》 编注:本文作者白格,方钦点评。[按:第一次看《曼陀罗》,大概是几年前的事了,当时只把它当一出剧目,因为还没有读《君主论》。如今白格兄,借“曼陀罗”之名首次评马基雅维里,实为其“微言大义”之政治实践也。既为微言,必需注疏,所以有了这一注疏...
评分阴谋的三个阶段 “阴谋的危险存在于三个阶段:预谋、实施和实施之后,能善始善终者寥寥无几。”[ 马基雅维里:《论李维》第3卷第6章【5】,上海世纪出版集团,2005年版,第325页。] 阴谋的预谋阶段 在阴谋的预谋阶段之前,还有一个阴谋的诞生阶段,马基雅维里在开场...
评分是几个月前去书店,是尤丽来考试之后的某一天晚上,书店中间的台子上有这本小册子。主要看到作者是马基雅维利,觉得很奇怪,他会写戏剧哦? 拣到要买的书里面,在要买之前,有个女生喊,谁动了我的书?她来到收款台前,说,这本曼佗罗是我单独拿出来的。 我说没关系,你买好了...
评分读过一点政治学的人,都知道马基雅维利和其代表性著作《君主论》。其实,马基雅维利的戏剧《曼陀罗》也是值得恭读的佳作。 戏剧的开场白就用平铺的叙述介绍了故事的五个主人公:一个审慎贞节的女郎(卢克蕾佳)、一个是入了迷的情郎(卡利马科)、一个是博士没啥头脑(尼洽)、...
图书标签: MACHIAVELLI Drama 英文原版 文学 教科书 思想史 圣囧死 哲学
A superior treatment of Machiavelli's minor masterpiece! Flaumenhaft's beautifully crafted, literal translation aims to capture the original intent of the playwright. Machiavelli himself distinguished carefully between translations and revisions; thus, Flaumenhaft finds a faithful translation essential to conveying Machiavelli's thought and to allowing direct access to the work. The Prologue explores the relationship between Machiavelli's stage comedies--part of the Comedia Erudita of the Italian Renaissance--and his political books. Mandragola focuses on the interplay between personal and political ethics, a major theme throughout his works. The translation includes helpful notes that clarify allusions, language, and context. Names of characters and places, titles and forms of address, and some familiar Italian words and phrases remain in Italian. Passages in Latin, as well as idioms, are reproduced in the notes.
评分what a sexy title of a play, and a wife's body that pharmakon for the State and the Church, and thy Father gladly cuckolded by thy Godfather
评分what a sexy title of a play, and a wife's body that pharmakon for the State and the Church, and thy Father gladly cuckolded by thy Godfather
Mandragola 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书