The "Divine Comedy" was entitled by Dante himself merely "Commedia," meaning a poetic composition in a style intermediate between the sustained nobility of tragedy, and the popular tone of elegy. The word had no dramatic implication at that time, though it did involve a happy ending. The poem is the narrative of a journey down through Hell, up the mountain of Purgatory, and through the revolving heavens into the presence of God. In this aspect it belongs to the two familiar medieval literary types of the Journey and the Vision. It is also an allegory, representing under the symbolism of the stages and experiences of the journey, the history of a human soul, painfully struggling from sin through purification to the Beatific Vision. Contained in this volume is the complete "Divine Comedy," from the translation of Charles Eliot Norton.
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評分 評分“受造恒久永罰永夜。入此地者,棄絕一切希望(C3,10)。”但丁讀齣地獄之門上的刻字。然後他跟隨好老師維吉爾,但丁寫盡每一種罪——嗜食者,好淫欲的,貪財好囤積的,憤怒、異端、暴力待己又褻神的,紛爭者,背誓者,還有遠航的尤利西斯。每一種罪他都找瞭罪人,他叫齣他們的名...
評分因為齣瞭修訂本,所以我按這個新版本翻看瞭《地獄篇》前幾章注釋的情況,似乎並無改進。 首先,從英譯本翻譯的注釋確實很有參考價值,由於研究水平的明顯差距,英譯者的注釋比目前其它漢譯本譯者自己的注釋要深刻,關注到很多西方學者的成果。但對全部翻譯的注釋(占瞭近一半...
評分迷失在瞭黑暗森林裏的但丁,在詩人維吉爾靈魂的救護下,穿越瞭地獄與煉獄。 在地獄裏的靈魂,帶著沉重的罪孽接受嚴重的懲罰,在魔鬼的鞭笞之下,承受著無盡的摺磨。形形色色的靈魂與鬼怪,地獄的世界是黑暗而沒有希望的。然而,但丁所描寫的卻並非是地獄的絕望與痛苦,而是更接...
圖書標籤: 史詩 愛情 文學 宗教 外語 敘事詩 provoking Damte
Divine Comedy是一首史詩、敘事詩;又是一部關於地獄、宗教、愛情以及各種人類弱點的終極指南
評分Divine Comedy是一首史詩、敘事詩;又是一部關於地獄、宗教、愛情以及各種人類弱點的終極指南
評分Divine Comedy是一首史詩、敘事詩;又是一部關於地獄、宗教、愛情以及各種人類弱點的終極指南
評分Divine Comedy是一首史詩、敘事詩;又是一部關於地獄、宗教、愛情以及各種人類弱點的終極指南
評分Divine Comedy是一首史詩、敘事詩;又是一部關於地獄、宗教、愛情以及各種人類弱點的終極指南
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