The Dangerous Book for Boys 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
该书网站的Quiz,我借助google做对了12道, 哈哈 下列哪种东西不能用作隐形墨水? 牛奶、 尿、 柠檬汁、 蛋白; 恐龙时代又叫 新生代、 中生代、 古生代 白垩纪? 继承亨利八世王位的是谁? 黑斯廷战役的日期? 在橄榄球比赛中,穿9号球衣的队员打的是什么位置? 勾球前锋...
评分不管以后我的宝贝是男孩 还是 女孩 这将是必读之一 我也想要那个建在树上的房子 虽然树上写的那么详细 我那么的动心 但是实在是找不到没有合适的树允许我建房子
评分很早就听说有这样一本书,可惜一直没能看到实体。后来见卓越特价,就买了下来。买也不是因为自己,是要送给弟弟的,就在扉页上写了: 男孩最重要的是要有一颗勇敢的心。 没有家世让你成为王子,但是你要做你自己的骑士。 这本书不辜负这样的期待
评分虽然被归为育子类读物但是里面的内容有很多好玩和实用的东西 从做纸飞机到造树屋,还有结绳法和人工水晶制作法,是成年人也会觉得有意义的书
图书标签: 生活 童年 常識 Dangerous 工具 Boys for Book
The bestselling book for every boy from eight to eighty, covering essential boyhood skills such as building tree houses, learning how to fish, finding true north, and even answering the age old question of what the big deal with girls is. In this digital age there is still a place for knots, skimming stones and stories of incredible courage. This book recaptures Sunday afternoons, stimulates curiosity, and makes for great father-son activities. The brothers Conn and Hal have put together a wonderful collection of all things that make being young or young at heart fun—building go-carts and electromagnets, identifying insects and spiders, and flying the world's best paper airplanes. The completely revised American Edition includes: The Greatest Paper Airplane in the World
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
The Five Knots Every Boy Should Know
Building a Treehouse
Making a Bow and Arrow
Fishing (revised with US Fish)
Timers and Tripwires
Baseball's "Most Valuable Players"
Famous Battles-Including Lexington and Concord, The Alamo, and Gettysburg
Spies-Codes and Ciphers
Making a Go-Cart
Navajo Code Talkers' Dictionary
Cloud Formations
The States of the U.S.
Mountains of the U.S.
The Declaration of Independence
Skimming Stones
Making a Periscope
The Ten Commandments
Common US Trees
Timeline of American History
The Dangerous Book for Boys 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书