Word Smart, 4th Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 英语 词汇 Vocabulary 英文原版 参考书 学习 语言 English
Knowing which words to use and how to use them is key to communicating accurately and effectively. That’s why more than one million people have used this book to improve their vocabularies.
To find out which words you absolutely need to know, The Princeton Review researched the vocabularies of educated adults by analyzing major newspapers and books and focusing on the words that people misunderstand or misuse. We also examined the SAT and other standardized tests to determine which words are tested most frequently.
All of the entries in Word Smart, 4th Edition are necessary for an impressive vocabulary, and learning and using these words effectively can help you to get better grades, score higher on tests, and communicate more confidently at work.
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Word Smart, 4th Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书