Snow Flower and the Secret Fan 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
许多读者对于这本书的诟病不外于抱怨作者身为外国人拿中国元素当噱头,甚至口口声声指责作者丑化中国。 但是我却要感谢这本书,感谢作者展示了丰富的历史细节,感谢她让我从细微之处看清一个旧时代的中国。 镜花缘里有一段秀才林之洋的女儿国奇遇,在那个国家女人处理男人事...
评分After the last two hours of final sit to finish the novel, I am now completely melted in lily’s regret over Snow Flower. I have to admit that the writer really did a way gorgeous work in the fiction structure building, and searching on-the-edge-of-extincti...
评分《雪花和秘密的扇子》被翻拍成电影《雪花与秘扇》,原由章子怡出演。因泼墨门被换下,现由李冰冰和全智贤出演。 大家不妨关注一下《雪花和秘密的扇子》的作者邝丽莎的一部新作,《上海女孩》。讲述一对上海姐妹的故事。原本家境富裕的珍珠和梅,在父亲破产后,为了还...
图书标签: LisaSee 小说 英文原版 邝丽莎 女性 华裔 美国 Novel
评分The culminating point I've been waiting for never came at all. The part that I thought would bring us to the modern world did not either. These are nothing to blame, except that i highly doubt the remote connection between the supposedly 'secret' fan and the reality. I was so absurdly expecting some huge secret behind all those nu shu and yet i ..
评分The culminating point I've been waiting for never came at all. The part that I thought would bring us to the modern world did not either. These are nothing to blame, except that i highly doubt the remote connection between the supposedly 'secret' fan and the reality. I was so absurdly expecting some huge secret behind all those nu shu and yet i ..
评分Masterpiece. Silent pain and deep love.
评分I love you, but you only care about man.You had nothing but a pretty pair of feet and three sons.Nothing else.NOTHING......
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书