The Social Evolution of International Politics 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4cdb59f80101g73b.html 各位老师、各位同学上午好: 不久前,我在一本描写西藏喇嘛的书里看到一个说法,活佛们圆寂之后,他们的灵魂会重返人间并在一位幼童的躯体里安顿下来,这便是所谓的“转世灵童”的说法。据我的有限阅读来说,这一灵...
评分In this book, Shiping Tang provides a clear evolutionary logic to explain how and why the international system evolves from one phase to the next. And he gives us many examples and scholars' views to explain the transformation of international systems, whic...
评分开场白【这本书的由来】 这本书的起点应该是2002年,虽然中间断断续续,但是我真的是花了十年时间才完成这本书。2003年我在《中国社会科学》上发表的《国际政治理论的时代性》虽然只是从一个非常小的角度切入,但是我认为思想的闪光已经都在了。我认为做科学研究非常需要一种in...
评分 评分作者是分子生物与遗传学博士,国际政治学教授。本书成于2012年左右。先有英文版,后翻译为中文版。作者自称是最后一个关于国际体系的演进的系统理论。 作者将演化论机制,变异—选择—遗传,用于解释社会演化。将观念视为基因,而将制度安排视为表现型。认为,国际政治一直是一...
图书标签: 唐世平 国际关系 国际政治 政治学 国关理论 IR evolutionary-system Shiping-Tang
Deploying an original 'Social Evolution Paradigm' (SEP) and drawing from anthropology, evolutionary biology, and international relations, this book advances a sweeping account of the systemic transformation of international politics. More specifically, the book shows how the nasty and brutish Hobbesian/offensive realism world many of us take for granted had evolved from an Eden-like paradise; how the Hobbesian world had self-transformed into a more peaceful defensive realist world from 1648 to 1945; and how some regions of the post-1945 world have become more rule-based and peaceful. The book critically engages with all the key grand theories of international politics and provides interesting solutions to some of the 'great debates' between those theories, from offensive realism to defensive realism, neoliberalism, the English School, and constructivism. This book is essential reading for scholars and students of international politics and of interest to those working in anthropology, sociology, political science, and social sciences in general.
评分Social Evolution Paradigm
评分Social Evolution Paradigm
The Social Evolution of International Politics 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书