Yunxiang Yan is Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Adjunct Professor in the School of Public Policy and Social Development, Fudan University, China. He is the author of Te Flow of Gifts: Reciprocity and Social Networks in a Chinese Village (Stanford University Press, 1996), Private Life under Socialism: Love, Intimacy, and Family Change in a Chinese Village, 1949–1999 (Stanford University Press, 2003) and The Individualization of Chinese Society (Berg, 2009). His research interests include family and kinship, social change, the individual and individualization, and moral changes in post-Mao China.
For seven years in the 1970s, the author lived in a village in northeast China as an ordinary farmer. In 1989, he returned to the village as an anthropologist to begin the unparalleled span of eleven years’ fieldwork that has resulted in this book―a comprehensive, vivid, and nuanced account of family change and the transformation of private life in rural China from 1949 to 1999. The author’s focus on the personal and the emotional sets this book apart from most studies of the Chinese family. Yan explores private lives to examine areas of family life that have been largely overlooked, such as emotion, desire, intimacy, privacy, conjugality, and individuality. He concludes that the past five decades have witnessed a dual transformation of private life: the rise of the private family, within which the private lives of individual women and men are thriving.
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私人生活的變革 2007-3-8 獨眼 《私人生活的變革:一個中國村莊裏的愛情、傢庭與親密關係 1949-1999》 由於工作原因,我經常去農村,卻僅限於蜻蜓點水似的旅行。在幾年前,我讀到瞭閻雲翔教授這本論文中的一章——“私人空間與隱私權”,那時,《私人生活的變革》剛剛發錶不...
評分這本書兩個目標,第一,駁斥中國文化沒有男女間親密關係(情感)的說法;第二,描述鄉村傢庭結構隨著時間的變化(擇偶,兩性互動,空間私有化以及傢庭結構),最後總結成由於國傢力量和政策的關係造成瞭年輕一代世風日下、人心不古、物質主義的中國式個人主義。 第一個目...
評分一、引言 對實地調查經驗的高度依賴和重視,是經驗研究區彆於一切玄談的最根本的標誌。但對經驗研究者自身而言,則似乎也同樣需要警醒,經驗的重要性並不代錶它能自動呈現理論命題的答案。沒有理論加工的“裸體”經驗,雖未必沒有任何意義,卻很難歸為學術研究。例如,人...
評分上個月初次瀏覽瞭閻雲翔的《私人生活的變革》,覺得語言十分清晰、易懂,隻感嘆道作者的寫作思路清晰、語言質樸,譯者的翻譯也相當精準。後來看到今年列文森奬的獲奬作品,再去搜索曆年列文森奬獲奬名單時,纔發現此書於2005年曾獲此殊榮,想必應當在美國的學術界頗受好評。 作...
評分近來所看的書是閻雲翔的 《私人生活的變革》,像是學位論文,注釋,引用文獻都列的很清楚,並不難讀。作者寫的是一個東北村落的30年變化,青年的權利,父權傢庭解體,婦女地位上升,極端個人主義和孝道的淪落。 書中所講的道理並不高深,例子也很平常,似乎除瞭在一個村子呆瞭...
圖書標籤: 人類學 閻雲翔 中國 海外中國研究 列文森中國研究書籍奬 私人生活史 Anthropology 社會學
評分Collectivization and Decollectivization, the retreat of the state and constant hostility to any organized societal forces, the rising of individualism and youth autonomy and increasing egotism: Merits and problems. A critical review of private family, especially people's emotion, under socialism. KO的第二本教科書完畢。
評分作者先做瞭一個天羅地網一樣的理論框架,然後把自己的田野訪談summary往裏麵填。這其實也沒啥,往遠裏說,黑格爾的曆史哲學講演錄也是這個邏輯,一切學術研究都是這個邏輯。真正的問題倒是,如果呈現的是更“活生生”的ethnography與個人體驗,而不隻是作者自己的概括概括概括,可能更具打動人的力量。而現在的行文,明顯有些dry。拖拉瞭幾個禮拜纔看完。不過直到讀完最後一章,我還是覺得這是本好書。單是private field和public field的討論,就可以讓讀者迴想起比如Arendt等人曾經討論過的很多經典問題。究竟何為個體,何為自由,何為the human condition?等等吧。
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