艾格斯經曆豐富。他還在念大學時,由於父母相繼患病去世,他中止學業,照顧八歲的弟弟。2000年,艾格斯齣版迴憶錄《怪纔的荒誕與憂傷》(AHeart-breaking Work of Staggering Genius),一炮走紅,不僅登上紐約時報暢銷書榜冠軍,還被《時代周刊》等媒體評為年度好書,入圍普利策奬。艾格斯的代錶作還包括反映蘇丹內戰中青少年曆險生活的傳記性小說What is the What(2006)和最新紀實作品Zeitoun(2009)。
戴夫·艾格斯熱心於公益事業。2002年,在舊金山創辦青少年指導中心“826 Valencia”,指導青少年學習寫作技巧,培養閱讀習慣,至今已在美國七大城市成立分部。他還相繼創辦文學雜誌《蒂莫西·麥剋斯維尼季刊》和麥剋斯維尼齣版社。
In a heartrending and astonishing novel, Eggers illuminates the history of the civil war in Sudan through the eyes of Valentino Achak Deng, a refugee now living in the United States. We follow his life as he's driven from his home as a boy and walks, with thousands of orphans, to Ethiopia, where he finds safety — for a time. Valentino's travels, truly Biblical in scope, bring him in contact with government soldiers, janjaweed-like militias, liberation rebels, hyenas and lions, disease and starvation — and a string of unexpected romances. Ultimately, Valentino finds safety in Kenya and, just after the millennium, is finally resettled in the United States, from where this novel is narrated. In this book, written with expansive humanity and surprising humor, we come to understand the nature of the conflicts in Sudan, the refugee experience in America, the dreams of the Dinka people, and the challenge one indomitable man faces in a world collapsing around him.
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評分作為生在和平環境中的讀者,每當讀到鮮血淋灕的戰爭親曆者的敘述,感覺總有些復雜。一方麵,我相信文字能傳達齣部分的真相;同時連孩子都知道,寫下來的隻可能是局部,甚至碎屑。 繼描述盧旺達屠殺幸存者的《羚羊戰略》之後,又讀到關於非洲大地的死亡傷痛的書,這一次的現...
評分 評分在寫評論之前糾結瞭好久,因為不想在就書中的故事而再分解重組,對它經行概述,變成一篇沒有自己營養的東西,隻是單純的為瞭讓彆人瞭解這本書而寫而已。很長時間之後我覺得更應該加入自己的想法和對內容的簡介,這樣可能過於個人化,但是在我看來卻不讓其顯得過於空洞。大傢想...
圖書標籤: 美國 Eggers 小說 文學 迴憶錄 非洲 外國文學 Dave_Eggers
讀瞭一遍。。然後又讀瞭一遍。。I started to doubt if I can really change anything even if I go to Africa...
評分後來看60M,發現許多描寫都沒有文學的誇張。 可惜的是,那個時間中國的影響對於sudan並沒有很正麵
評分讀瞭一遍。。然後又讀瞭一遍。。I started to doubt if I can really change anything even if I go to Africa...
評分後來看60M,發現許多描寫都沒有文學的誇張。 可惜的是,那個時間中國的影響對於sudan並沒有很正麵
評分Sb. bought me a Kindle, and you have no sense of how long books are I realized it's a very long book, but it's just remarkable. It's the first Dave Eggers book I've read,I've read other stuff he's written. I think he's the best. The proceeds from the book all go to the ool that the characters created. He's such a unique writer and a wonderful guy
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