Daniel Gilbert is Harvard College Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. He has won numerous awards for his teaching and research, including the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Scientific Award for an Early Career Contribution to Psychology. His research has been covered by The New York Times Magazine, Forbes, Money, CNN, U.S. News & World Report, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, Self, Men's Health, Redbook, Glamour, Psychology Today, and many others. His short stories have appeared in Amazing Stories and Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, as well as other magazines and anthologies. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Bringing to life scientific research in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, and behavioral economics, this bestselling book reveals what scientists have discovered about the uniquely human ability to imagine the future, and about our capacity to predict how much we will like it when we get there.
• Why are lovers quicker to forgive their partners for infidelity than for leaving dirty dishes in the sink?
• Why will sighted people pay more to avoid going blind than blind people will pay to regain their sight?
• Why do dining companions insist on ordering different meals instead of getting what they really want?
• Why do pigeons seem to have such excellent aim; why can’t we remember one song while listening to another; and why does the line at the grocery store always slow down the moment we join it?
In this brilliant, witty, and accessible book, renowned Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert describes the foibles of imagination and illusions of foresight that cause each of us to misconceive our tomorrows and misestimate our satisfactions. With penetrating insight and sparkling prose, Gilbert explains why we seem to know so little about the hearts and minds of the people we are about to become.
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且不說書好書壞,就說一條:這書的書名就是坑人。它從頭到尾介紹的都是人做的計劃和對未來的決定為什麼是不準的,怎樣纔能準。 應該叫《哈佛規劃課》。 再說內容,很多都和丹·艾瑞裏教授的《怪誕行為學》重復瞭。雖然這兩本書可能沒有個先來後到,但我看這兩本書卻是有先後...
評分 評分這本《哈佛幸福課》是中信齣版社的一位編輯送我的,送的時候沒跟我說寫評論的事。前幾天我看完瞭這本書,看的時候寫瞭一點讀書筆記,於是便據此寫瞭下麵這篇可能有些跑題的書評。 這本書原來曾以《撞上快樂》這樣一個書名齣過一版,可能第一版賣得不太理想,於是改瞭書名又齣瞭...
評分如果明天你接到一個電話:通知你中瞭1000萬元大奬,你猜你會是什麼感覺?大多數人可能會說:我會因為這一好運而高興上很長一段時間。 如果明天你接到一個電話:通知你被學校退學,或被公司解雇。你又會有何感受?大多數人可能會覺得:自己會因此而消沉上很長一段時間。 Gilber...
評分隻有激情,那隻是短暫的 隻有意義,有可能是痛苦的。 幸福是什麼呢? 可能真的有些答案是 貓吃魚,狗吃肉,奧特曼打小怪獸。 不過其實,這些都隻是激情而已。 其實真正的幸福是: 貓吃到瞭自己努力抓到的魚,狗吃瞭主人特地為他買來的肉肉,奧特曼打敗瞭一個馬上要毀滅地球...
圖書標籤: 心理學 Psychology 幸福的障礙 思維 HAPPINESS happiness daniel 邏輯
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評分人要先快樂 學習工作效率纔高 = =
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