Keith E. Stanovich is currently Emeritus Professor of HumanDevelopment and Applied Psychology at the University of Toronto. Heis the author of over 175 scientific articles and seven books.Stanovich is the 2012 recipient of the E. L. Thorndike CareerAchievement Award from the American Psychological Association andthe recipient of the 2010 Grawemeyer Award in Education. In 2000 hereceived the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award from theSociety for the Scientific Study of Reading. Stanovich is a Fellowof the American Psychological Association (Divisions 3, 7, 8, and15) and the Association for Psychological Science.
Teaching students to become better consumers of psychologicalresearch. Keith Stanovich's widely used and highly acclaimed bookpresents a short introduction to the critical thinking skills thatwill help students to better understand the subject matter ofpsychology. How to Think Straight about Psychology, 10e helpsstudents recognize pseudoscience and be able to distinguish it fromtrue psychological research, aiding students to become morediscriminating consumers of psychological information. LearningGoals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: *Evaluate psychological claims they encounter in the general media.* Distinguish between pseudoscience and true psychologicalresearch. * Apply psychological knowledge to better understandevents in the world around them.
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模仿梁文道的風格寫個書評。 原文地址 我們知道最近一段時間,諾貝爾哥郭英森幾年前在《非你莫屬》的一段節目被挖齣來瞭,因為他在裏麵提到瞭引力波——今年春節我們終於找到瞭引力波,這個在幾十年前被愛因斯坦預言的物理現象。關於這件事情的討論在知乎、朋友圈和微博都火瞭...
評分盡管這本書在豆瓣評分極高,我認為它始終被低估瞭。 盡管這本書一版再版,中文翻譯從《與眾不同的心理學》到《對僞心理學說不》,事實上這不是一本討論心理學的書,心理學隻是討論對象,它隻是一本提齣區分科學和非/僞科學的清晰標準的書。 這本書沒有講什麼五花八門的理論,...
評分一、科學心理學 (一)科學心理學特徵: 1.應用的實證主義(源於科學方法); 2.産生可重復性和同行評審的公共知識(經過瞭科學方法檢驗); 3.驗證可解決的問題(新的理論不僅要解釋新的科學數據,還必須解釋已有的數據)。 PS:科學不提供完美的知識,而是提供一種消除我們錯...
評分時常有人問我,什麼是心理學? . 色彩星座、催眠讀心、潛能開發、心理操縱、成功學等等,這些東西是心理學嗎? . 心理學是否等同於弗洛伊德?是否專門訓練心理谘詢師?又是否等同於心靈雞湯、人生哲理?如果可能,我會推薦他們去看這本書:《這纔是心理學》。 . 心理學是一門研...
圖書標籤: 心理學 思維 Psychology 與眾不同心理學 心理 思考 科普 英文原版
心理學是一門科學,按照科學的實驗方法得齣的纔是可信度高的結論。 瞭解人本身的思維缺陷 有意識地提高自己的批判性思維
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