Jennifer Senior, a contributing editor at New York magazine, says she sees lot of mothers second-guessing themselves. She wants to create bumper stickers for women that say: "I Am The Standard."
There's no shortage of books about how parents affect their children's lives, but what about vice versa? That's what New York Magazine contributing editor and mother Jennifer Senior sets out to investigate in All Joy and No Fun, a book about parental well-being.
"We assume that children will improve our happiness," Senior says, "That's why babies are called bundles of joy. But what's so interesting is that one of the most robust findings in the social sciences — and it's been this way for about 50 years — is that children do not improve their parents' happiness."
All Joy and No Fun 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
評分這本書一開頭,作者就用沙啞的毫不attractive 的聲音告訴瞭大傢: 這本書不是self help book , 聽瞭不會對你的parenting 有任何幫助。所以,我就決定聽下去。 誠不我欺啊!還真的是一點兒幫助都木有。是一章又一章的大實話,更像是一部關於parenting 的頗為miserable 的documen...
圖書標籤: 育兒 教育 傢庭 心理學 情感和傢庭 原版 英文 社會
評分Lots of stunning facts about raising children, and it is comforting to know that millions of parents out there are going through the same thing, with the same angst, uncertainty, yet determination and most of all, love, to raise the kids. Maybe it is going to be like what they say, "the kids are going to be alright..."
評分Has nothing to do parenthood, yet has everything to do with being a parent! 看完好媽媽再來看這本簡直要抑鬱瞭。
評分剛開始還安慰自己,我沒孩子,但是瞭解下總不是壞事嘛。而且也在observe身邊的房東姐姐帶小孩,對照起來應該很有意思。直到我在車裏聽到”we middle class Americans”簡直樂壞,我既不是middle class也不是Americans,操著什麼太平洋的心呀???? 說起來有很多德州和中國移民的例子哎~(現在的我認為)我會強迫我小孩學習滑冰和散打的……其他的應該就放羊瞭。
評分Has nothing to do parenthood, yet has everything to do with being a parent! 看完好媽媽再來看這本簡直要抑鬱瞭。
All Joy and No Fun 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載