J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye (1951) is a twentieth-century classic. Despite being one of the most frequently banned books in America, generations of readers have identified with the narrator, Holden Caulfield, an angry young man who articulates the confusion, cynicism and vulnerability of adolescence with humour and sincerity.
This guide to Salinger’s provocative novel offers:
an accessible introduction to the text and contexts of The Catcher in the Rye
a critical history, surveying the many interpretations of the text from publication to the present
a selection of new critical essays on the The Catcher in the Rye, by Sally Robinson, Renee R. Curry, Denis Jonnes, Livia Hekanaho and Clive Baldwin, providing a range of perspectives on the novel and extending the coverage of key critical approaches identified in the survey section
cross-references between sections of the guide, in order to suggest links between texts, contexts and criticism
suggestions for further reading.
Part of the Routledge Guides to Literature series, this volume is essential reading for all those beginning detailed study of The Catcher in the Rye and seeking not only a guide to the novel, but a way through the wealth of contextual and critical material that surrounds Salinger’s text.
Reading level: Young Adult
Library Binding: 69 pages
Publisher: Chelsea House Publications; Library Binding edition (March 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0791036626
ISBN-13: 978-0791036624
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.2 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces
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霍爾頓是《麥田裏的守望者》裏的一個美國男孩,這個名字對很多國內讀者來說, 感覺可能像在美國電影裏齣現過無數次的紐約中央公園大都會博物館,似乎非常熟悉, 又總是有那麼一點距離的隔膜感。 霍爾頓16歲,他總喜歡把棒球帽壓得低低的戴著, 他不愛講話,至少他不愛用我們一...
評分梅爾·吉布森與茱莉婭·羅伯茨主演過一部好萊塢電影《連鎖陰謀》(Conspiracy Theory),吉布森扮演的主人公是個前特工,也是位精神緊張的的士司機,受到陰謀者的追殺,屢屢逃脫,有次還是他的一個習慣導緻他被敵人發現,那就是他有個習慣,每見到一本塞林格所著的《麥田守望者...
評分我17歲的時候看的這本書,那時自己還是個青少年,覺得和周圍的世界隔著一道鴻溝,是霍爾頓的遊蕩讓我找到瞭精神上發泄憤怒的齣口,為那些難以捉摸的情緒找到瞭具體的依附。如今純真已逝,纔猛然驚醒,原來塞林格他真正要說的東西不在這裏。 還記得施鹹榮的譯序寫道,這本小說...
評分作者前言:因為是作業,所以按初中語文風格寫作的書評。慚愧地謹以此中規中矩CCAV版的舊文紀念已故文學大師塞林格。 全文如下: 在紐約寒冷的鼕天裏隻穿一件風衣,倒戴著火紅的鴨舌帽,漫無目的地在街頭遊走——個十六歲少年的形象在我們的腦海裏栩栩如生。這就是《麥田...
圖書標籤: salinger CatcherInTheRye 英文原版 麥田裏的守望者 英語讀物 美國小說 Literature 外國文學
評分Holden好真實,也很欠乾,總想叼爆這個phony(“裝逼”的始祖?!)的世界……但與他妹妹Phoebe之間那些無厘頭對話讓人感到很溫暖,一邊鬧彆扭一邊跟著Holden還和解瞭可愛到爆! (讓人想起《這個殺手不太冷》萌萌Natalie)Phoebe在Holden灰濛濛的天空中裂開瞭一道湛藍的口子。現實中的兄妹就這個樣子。在青春的掩護下,頹廢是勇氣,懶惰是反抗,空虛是性感,那在頹廢懶惰空虛之下,內心究竟是什麼呢。當你與它産生共鳴時,那甚至就不再是讀,而是一種自然地迴憶瞭
評分an easy read in general, the ending slightly disappointing. classic, but not quite a masterpiece. well, my heart resonated.
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