作者:(美國)多麗絲 科恩斯 古德溫 譯者:尤以丁
This brilliant multiple biography is centered on Lincoln's mastery of men and how it shaped the most significant presidency in the nation's history.
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不知道中文版怎麼樣,我看的英文版。非常好看。看完全書,震驚於: 1、林肯天纔的演講和說服能力。他的話往往一語打動人心,直指關鍵。如:A house divided against itself can not stand. 2、林肯超高的情商,對其他人的立場和情感異於常人的敏銳。這與上一條是對應的。 3...
評分最先想讀《Team of Rivals》,是因為聽說是斯皮爾伯格要以本書為藍本,拍攝林肯的傳記。之後,我又在The Colbert Report上看到Doris Goodwin的采訪,覺得這位作者頗為有趣,圖書也大賣,此書可以一看。後來我計劃撰寫美國史和偉大總統,此書也就成為瞭工作書之一。 本來,這將...
評分 評分by嚴搏非 年節假日,在傢看瞭一部電影:《林肯》。這部電影是根據多麗絲·科恩斯·古德溫的著作改編的,書已有中文版,中文譯名為《林肯與勁敵幕僚》。去年拜一位好友特彆推薦,翻過一遍,所獲甚多,沒想到現在有瞭如此精彩的一部電影。這部電影如此迷人,竟斷斷續續看瞭三遍...
評分傳記,《林肯與勁敵幕僚 》,Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln,作者Doris Kearns Goodwin ,我是看瞭斯皮爾伯格拍的電影《林肯》纔找到的本書,電影自不必說,拍的極為精彩。書的內容要龐雜的多,從林肯在spring小鎮當店員寫起,一直到林肯背刺身亡。...
圖書標籤: history Lincoln 曆史 林肯 政治 傳記 USA Politics
評分Lincoln has no equal, and yet he is people's president, a master of human nature putting together a cabinet of rivals in the fieriest trial of the young republic. Marvellous work by Goodwin. Finished on 5/13/2014
評分Lincoln has no equal, and yet he is people's president, a master of human nature putting together a cabinet of rivals in the fieriest trial of the young republic. Marvellous work by Goodwin. Finished on 5/13/2014
評分Lincoln has no equal, and yet he is people's president, a master of human nature putting together a cabinet of rivals in the fieriest trial of the young republic. Marvellous work by Goodwin. Finished on 5/13/2014
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