娜塔莉•澤濛•戴維斯(Natalie Zemon Davis,1928- ),著名曆史學傢,美國新文化史的代錶人物,專長為歐洲近代早期曆史研究,。先後在布朗大學、多倫多大學、伯剋利加州大學、普林斯頓大學等高校執教,曾任美國曆史學會主席,現為普林斯頓大學榮休Henry Charles Lea曆史學教授,同時在加拿大多倫多大學兼任曆史學與中世紀研究教授、比較文學中心高級研究員。著作有《近代早期法國的社會與文化》、《馬丁•蓋爾歸來》、《檔案中的虛構》、《銀屏上的奴隸》、《邊緣女人》、《16世紀法國的禮物》、《騙子遊曆記》等。
The clever peasant Arnaud du Tilh had almost won his case, when a man with a wooden leg swaggered into the French courtroom, denounced du Tilh, and reestablished his claim to the identity, property, and wife of Martin Guerre. This book, by the noted historian who served as a consultant for the film, adds new dimensions to this famous legend.
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評分 評分1548年,法國南方朗格多剋,一個名叫馬丁•蓋爾的富裕農民拋妻彆子,捨下傢業,離傢齣走,杳無音信。1556年,“他”迴傢瞭——或者說,人人都以為他迴來瞭——然而,在三、四年美滿的婚姻生活後,妻子貝特朗卻說她被一個冒名頂替的騙子給濛騙瞭,於是將他送上瞭審判席。到最...
評分這是一個類似於“真假美猴王”的故事。離開八年之後的馬丁突然歸來,被接受、被質疑、被訊問,最後在幾乎要說服所有人的時候再次反轉,失去瞭一條腿的真正馬丁迴歸,哦,原來之前的那個確實是假的啊。 這樣一個情節簡單的故事,在作者的筆下卻變得豐富而有趣,當然這不是說作者...
評分圖書標籤: 曆史 新文化史 Historiography 微觀史學 娜塔莉戴維斯 敘事史學 history 英文版
評分identity. narrative. truth. the story-teller's identification with the imposter. the wife. the desertion. the wooden leg. the extraordinary memorizing/performing talent. "I have no obligations to be honest with these people." this story has everything that i'm fascinated with.
評分identity. narrative. truth. the story-teller's identification with the imposter. the wife. the desertion. the wooden leg. the extraordinary memorizing/performing talent. "I have no obligations to be honest with these people." this story has everything that i'm fascinated with.
評分A marvelous model of microhistory whose narrative is as lucid and attractive as a novel. Its macro- and micro-structures deserve more interpretation from me.
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