将人文科学的有用方法应用于商业领域的重要先行者,专注于发掘人类行为研究方法,并为多家《财富》300强企业的高层管理者提供策略建议。ReD咨询公司联合创始人、 客户关系总监。曾在哥本哈根和伦敦攻读哲学与政治学,拥有伦敦大学硕士学位。
米凯尔· 拉斯马森
The Moment of Clarity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
如果说管理企业如同大海行船,船长自然对仪表、雷达这一切具象的指标是极为精通的,然而紧盯着数字来判断航线是可怕的,这会让你局限于数字的指正而遗忘行驶的环境,也许本书的目的正是提醒那些“数据至上”埋头苦干的管理者,需要抬起头看看周围,共情企业所处的商业环境。 说...
评分如果说管理企业如同大海行船,船长自然对仪表、雷达这一切具象的指标是极为精通的,然而紧盯着数字来判断航线是可怕的,这会让你局限于数字的指正而遗忘行驶的环境,也许本书的目的正是提醒那些“数据至上”埋头苦干的管理者,需要抬起头看看周围,共情企业所处的商业环境。 说...
评分原名:The Moment of Clarity Using The Human Sciences to Solve Your Toughest Business Problems作者:Christian Madsbjerg,Mikkel B. Rasmussen 作者是ReD Associate,一家based哥哈和NY咨询公司的par,除了这本书之外,还写了一本姐妹篇Sensemaking:The Power of the Hu...
评分得到听书+精英日课解读: 意会法的五个阶段分别是:用现象来表述商业问题、搜集相关数据、找出通用模式、得出关键洞见、建立企业的商业影响力。意会法为企业带来了“视角导向型革新”。通过判断哪些现象对企业更加重要和具有特殊意义,形成新的商业视角。这个洞察决定了企业新...
评分得到听书+精英日课解读: 意会法的五个阶段分别是:用现象来表述商业问题、搜集相关数据、找出通用模式、得出关键洞见、建立企业的商业影响力。意会法为企业带来了“视角导向型革新”。通过判断哪些现象对企业更加重要和具有特殊意义,形成新的商业视角。这个洞察决定了企业新...
图书标签: business 人类学 Sociology, 社会学 anthropology, methodology ethnography, ethnography
Businesses need a new type of problem solving. Why? Because they are getting people wrong.
Traditional problem-solving methods taught in business schools serve us well for some of the everyday challenges of business, but they tend to be ineffective with problems involving a high degree of uncertainty. Why? Because, more often than not, these tools are based on a flawed model of human behavior. And that flawed model is the invisible scaffolding that supports our surveys, our focus groups, our R&D, and much of our long-term strategic planning.
In The Moment of Clarity, Christian Madsbjerg and Mikkel Rasmussen examine the business world’s assumptions about human behavior and show how these assumptions can lead businesses off track. But the authors chart a way forward. Using theories and tools from the human sciences—anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and psychology—The Moment of Clarity introduces a practical framework called sensemaking. Sensemaking’s nonlinear problem-solving approach gives executives a better way to understand business challenges involving shifts in human behavior.
This new methodology, a fundamentally different way to think about strategy, is already taking off in Fortune 100 companies around the world. Through compelling case studies and their direct experience with LEGO, Samsung, Adidas, Coloplast, and Intel, Madsbjerg and Rasmussen will show you how to solve problems as diverse as setting company direction, driving growth, improving sales models, understanding the real culture of your organization, and finding your way in new markets.
Over and over again, executives say the same thing after engaging in a process of sensemaking: “Now I see it . . .” This experience—the moment of clarity—has the potential to drive the entire strategic future of your company. Isn’t it time you and your firm started getting people right?
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评分【要免费PDF豆油我】如果不是同意RED的想法,这长篇的教育传统CEO和广告我是看不下去的。重点是没有介绍什么concrete methodologies 和practical processes.
评分【要免费PDF豆油我】如果不是同意RED的想法,这长篇的教育传统CEO和广告我是看不下去的。重点是没有介绍什么concrete methodologies 和practical processes.
The Moment of Clarity 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书