Stephen Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge for thirty years. He is the author of several books, including the worldwide publishing phenomenon A Brief History of Time, A Briefer History of Time (written with Leonard Mlodinow), The Universe in a Nutshell, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time, and the essay collection Black Holes and Baby Universes.
My Brief History recounts Stephen Hawking’s improbable journey, from his postwar London boyhood to his years of international acclaim and celebrity. Lavishly illustrated with rarely seen photographs, this concise, witty, and candid account introduces readers to a Hawking rarely glimpsed in previous books: the inquisitive schoolboy whose classmates nicknamed him Einstein; the jokester who once placed a bet with a colleague over the existence of a particular black hole; and the young husband and father struggling to gain a foothold in the world of physics and cosmology.
Writing with characteristic humility and humor, Hawking opens up about the challenges that confronted him following his diagnosis of ALS at age twenty-one. Tracing his development as a thinker, he explains how the prospect of an early death urged him onward through numerous intellectual breakthroughs, and talks about the genesis of his masterpiece A Brief History of Time—one of the iconic books of the twentieth century.
Clear-eyed, intimate, and wise, My Brief History opens a window for the rest of us into Hawking’s personal cosmos.
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史蒂芬.霍金是愛因斯坦之後最傑齣的理論物理學傢和當代最偉大的科學傢,人類曆史上最偉大的人物之一,被譽為“宇宙之王”。 他的代錶作品有《時間簡史》、《果殼裏的宇宙》《大設計》,尤其是《時間簡史》,至今已齣售逾2500萬冊。2015年7月20日,史蒂芬•霍金啓動瞭人類曆史...
評分P12 格丁根->一般翻成哥廷根 P75 保險杆->保險杠 P76 羅賓孫->羅賓遜 P79 棒球百科全書->闆球百科全書 不知是譯錯,還是霍金筆誤,他答應給《棒球百科全書》,因為難找纔給瞭《闆球百科全書》。 P91 一個人的話音-聲音 費恩曼->費曼,國內通常翻為費曼,之前在...
評分B201810聽霍金娓娓道來他的簡史,比《時間簡史》要容易太多瞭。斯人已逝,更能體會到他的偉大之處。他對科學研究的執著,以及從中獲得純粹的快樂,令人感動不已,值得人們思索:物質的需求是否過多, 思考的快樂是否太少。無論霍金的理論最終被證實與否,霍金都是不常湧現的智...
圖書標籤: 霍金自傳 傳記 英文原著 霍金 自傳 相對論 物理學傢 英國
評分20180331閱畢,最近剛讀過《The Theory of Everything》,聽聞作者去世,又之前看過微博盧昌海提到這本傳記,遂斷斷續續讀之。書不厚,輕鬆讀完,內容前半部分主要講從小到大學的求學經曆,輕描淡寫。後半部分講瞭自己的主要貢獻,非有相對論背景細節可跳過。中間順帶講瞭自己的兩段婚姻(兩個女人給他的幫助都很大),穿插對個人的身體狀況評價。有一些有趣的八卦,比如嚮伽利略道歉纔願意前往梵蒂岡領奬,和吉普索恩等人的賭約,狄拉剋對他頒奬的幫助,蓋爾曼與費曼之間的故事,其中對時間機器避免炒作或軍事注意的處理或戲謔,可以對比學術界國內外對各種新概念的炒作、嘩眾取寵博眼球申經費。
評分除瞭深陷輪椅外, 霍金真的是個非常典型非常典型的英國人
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