Aristotle, great Greek philosopher, researcher, reasoner, and writer, born at Stagirus in 384 BCE, was the son of Nicomachus, a physician, and Phaestis. He studied under Plato at Athens and taught there (367–347); subsequently he spent three years at the court of a former pupil, Hermeias, in Asia Minor and at this time married Pythias, one of Hermeias's relations. After some time at Mitylene, in 343–2 he was appointed by King Philip of Macedon to be tutor of his teen-aged son Alexander. After Philip's death in 336, Aristotle became head of his own school (of 'Peripatetics'), the Lyceum at Athens. Because of anti-Macedonian feeling there after Alexander's death in 323, he withdrew to Chalcis in Euboea, where he died in 322.
Nearly all the works Aristotle prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as follows: I Practical: Nicomachean Ethics; Great Ethics (Magna Moralia); Eudemian Ethics; Politics; Economics (on the good of the family); On Virtues and Vices. II Logical: Categories; Analytics (Prior and Posterior); Interpretation; Refutations used by Sophists; Topica. III Physical: Twenty-six works (some suspect) including astronomy, generation and destruction, the senses, memory, sleep, dreams, life, facts about animals, etc. IV Metaphysics: on being as being. V Art: Rhetoric and Poetics. VI Other works including the Constitution of Athens; more works also of doubtful authorship. VII Fragments of various works such as dialogues on philosophy and literature; and of treatises on rhetoric, politics and metaphysics.
The Loeb Classical Library edition of Aristotle is in twenty-three volumes.
Nearly all the works Aristotle prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). They can be categorized as follows: I Practical: Nicomachean Ethics; Great Ethics (Magna Moralia); Eudemian Ethics; Politics; Economics (on the good of the family); On Virtues and Vices. II Logical: Categories; Analytics (Prior and Posterior); Interpretation; Refutations used by Sophists; Topica. III Physical: Twenty-six works (some suspect) including astronomy, generation and destruction, the senses, memory, sleep, dreams, life, facts about animals, etc. IV Metaphysics: on being as being. V Art: Rhetoric and Poetics. VI Other works including the Constitution of Athens; more works also of doubtful authorship. VII Fragments of various works such as dialogues on philosophy and literature; and of treatises on rhetoric, politics and metaphysics.
The Loeb Classical Library edition of Aristotle is in twenty-three volumes.
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(本文乃原創,轉載請聯係作者,感謝。) 亞裏士多德於公元前384年齣生於古希臘色雷斯東邊海濱的小城斯塔吉拉,其父為馬其頓國王的禦醫。在18歲的時候,亞裏士多德被送到雅典的柏拉圖學院學習,此後20年間亞裏士多德一直住在學園,直至其師柏拉圖在前347年去世後離開學...
評分剛讀完《耶魯大學:政治哲學》的亞裏士多德那一章,所以這幾天買來這本原著讀一讀。 大學時候學過《政治思想史》,多少瞭解一點政治學學科脈絡。但是拿起亞氏的原著時,依然感到發自內心的震撼。2韆多年前寫成的書,對人類政治生活的觀察卻是超越時代的,直到今天人類的政治生...
評分在每天早晚的地鐵晃蕩噪雜中讀完瞭這本三年前買的書,驚異於幾韆年前的古人對於政體組成、政體瓦解、改革和革命等問題有如此全麵的分析,大部分理論在今天看來也不過時。換而言之,今天我們的社會、政體、政治活動也不過是建立在幾韆年前的政治基礎上一脈而成。 此外,...
評分圖書標籤: Aristotle 哲學 政治哲學 政治 民主 政治哲學 政史法哲 亞裏士多德
like the ideas but hate the writing.
評分like the ideas but hate the writing.
評分like the ideas but hate the writing.
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