Francis Fukuyama is the Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. He has previously taught at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University and at the George Mason University School of Public Policy. Fukuyama was a researcher at the RAND Corporation and served as the deputy director for the State Department’s policy planning staff. He is the author of The Origins of Political Order, The End of History and the Last Man, Trust, and America at the Crossroads: Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy. He lives with his wife in California.
The second volume of the bestselling landmark work on the history of the modern state
Writing in The Wall Street Journal, David Gress called Francis Fukuyama’s Origins of Political Order “magisterial in its learning and admirably immodest in its ambition.” In The New York Times Book Review, Michael Lind described the book as “a major achievement by one of the leading public intellectuals of our time.” And in The Washington Post, Gerard DeGrott exclaimed “this is a book that will be remembered. Bring on volume two.”
Volume two is finally here, completing the most important work of political thought in at least a generation. Taking up the essential question of how societies develop strong, impersonal, and accountable political institutions, Fukuyama follows the story from the French Revolution to the so-called Arab Spring and the deep dysfunctions of contemporary American politics. He examines the effects of corruption on governance, and why some societies have been successful at rooting it out. He explores the different legacies of colonialism in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, and offers a clear-eyed account of why some regions have thrived and developed more quickly than others. And he boldly reckons with the future of democracy in the face of a rising global middle class and entrenched political paralysis in the West.
A sweeping, masterful account of the struggle to create a well-functioning modern state, Political Order and Political Decay is destined to be a classic.
Political Order and Political Decay 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載 The end of harmony How the benefits of political order are slowly eroding A BASIC rule of intellectual life is that celebrity destroys quali...
評分國傢治理體係現代化的參考 有的人對民主,有著一種根深蒂固的信念。有人認為民主是,實現政治秩序和經濟發展唯一的路徑。 二十世紀90年代蘇聯解體後,這種認為民主是放之四海而皆準的普世價值的觀念,進一步得到強化。美國人認為,自己隻之所以能夠拖垮瞭蘇聯,就是因為民主製...
評分圖書標籤: 政治學 福山 政治哲學 比較政治 政治 Politics 曆史 社會學
評分半年多的地鐵讀物,長到哭泣,好在語言流暢。沒看過第一本,所以各國發展史是最有趣的部分。對政治學關注的問題有瞭基本瞭解。理論部分總希望看到更正式的treatment。沒想到Political Decay基本就是在吐槽美國。
評分半年多的地鐵讀物,長到哭泣,好在語言流暢。沒看過第一本,所以各國發展史是最有趣的部分。對政治學關注的問題有瞭基本瞭解。理論部分總希望看到更正式的treatment。沒想到Political Decay基本就是在吐槽美國。
評分縱觀兩部巨著,太過宏大的野心最終在行文框架中一並衰敗,導緻籠統概括、瑣碎重復太多,遠遠失去瞭在曆史的終結中起碼的流暢。政府能力、法製監管和民主問責的三者平衡並未能在地區間橫嚮對比中得以展開,其發展的先後順序雖有圖錶但實質空乏、無法歸類。新增也是最關鍵的政治衰敗草草談瞭1/5,得齣的結論不過是政治衰敗是政體發展的一個階段,是齣於舊有秩序無法平衡新的利益集團和訴求(達爾文你好),粗淺、薄弱地以美國為例的論據支撐,至於如何後續發展,就隻能交由個體能動性。結尾時硬扯一筆自由民主無關政府能力,作為曆史終結有其獨特的正確,簡直把當年大段黑格爾的論調棄之不顧,明明全兩冊下來都沒有再說自由民主製瞭好嗎。唯一有趣的是福山將國傢能力與官僚自主性畫成瞭一個雙軸圖,提齣要如何接近右斜綫的改革路綫,然而並沒什麼用 M
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