About the Author
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita is the Julius Silver Professor of Politics and director of the Alexander Hamilton Center for Political Economy at New York University. He is the author of 16 books, including The Predictioneer’s Game.Alastair Smith is professor of politics at New York University. The recipient of three grants from the National Science Foundation and author of three books, he was chosen as the 2005 Karl Deutsch Award winner, given biennially to the best international relations scholar under the age of 40.
In this title, two renowned political scientists make the contrarian, research-based case that - regardless of any other factors political scientists or historians may find relevant - the calculations and actions of rulers are the driving force of all politics, and the primary goal of rulers is to maintain power as long as possible. In this clever and accessible book, Bueno de Mesquita and Smith introduce us to their perspective of the political world. They bare the logic of politics, starting from the simple premise that leaders pursue their own ends, and that populations either have, or more often don't have, the power to constrain them to a significant degree. The book is organized by a series interconnected questions, among them: Why do leaders who wreck their countries keep their jobs for so long? Why do autocracies have dismal economic policies? How are there so many suffering people in resource-rich lands? Why do 'natural disasters' disproportionately strike poor nations? Why do 'evil-doers' so often collect loads of foreign aid? Why are democracies so good at war? In answering these questions, the authors look at politics, the choices of public policies, and even decisions about war and peace as lying outside of conventional thinking about culture and history. They set aside ideas of civic virtue and psychopathology. Such notions simply are not central to understanding what leaders do and why they do it. Instead, Bueno de Mesquita and Smith see politicians as self-interested louts, just the sort of people you wouldn't want to have over for dinner, but without whom you might not have dinner at all. And from this perspective, they are able to answer some perplexing mysteries of politics, shed light on what we read in the newspapers every single day, and offer realistic ways of improving human governance.
The Dictator's Handbook 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
讀完這本書之後 比較直觀的感受是作者對於政治本質的看法確實十分透徹。誠然,就如同書裏所梳理的那樣,這個時間上的任何一個國傢的政體無外乎是處在那個3維的框架裏的不同位置而已。 但作為一個中國人,一個對官員腐敗恨之入骨的屁民,書中對於腐敗的理解是我覺得最齣彩的部...
評分本來對某些齣版社願意引進這樣的書還是很高興的,但如果把一本書經過斷章取義的處理後再齣版,很難講還算不算做善事,因為有可能給原著抹黑。 翻瞭沒幾頁,就看到“東北亞某個國傢”這樣的詞瞭,本能的認為原著不可能這樣寫,於是找來英文原著做瞭簡單的對照。沒想到這一對照,...
評分年初在zaker上看到對本書的書評,看完書評以後就有看原著的強烈興趣瞭。 作者在這本書裏把對政治長達近20年的研究變成瞭普通老百姓都能看懂的通俗文字。 本書對於理解各國政府的行為有極大幫助,包括導緻某搜索網站最終404的事件。本書對於統治的基本規則,不同執政者如何掌權...
評分你可以把這本書看成一個教程。 觀察下來,有效。 有幾個地方更需要注意: 1. 盡量觀察那些存活瞭五十年以上的組織。 2. 這些組織,也符閤本書的規則,但更高效,所以延續更久,矛盾解決更好。 3. 曇花一現式的組織,其實不需要太在意的。鬍人無百年之國運,但滿清也破瞭此例,...
評分圖書標籤: 政治 政治學 社會學 Politics 獨裁 政治哲學 英文原版 比較政治
很討厭這種寫作風格,感覺不舒服,要不就完全嚴謹學術寫作,要不就寫齣暢銷書應有的水準,這種mixed的真心覺得做作討厭。\\#多日後為寫paper的吐槽# 真是的學術著作嗎??敢不敢再不嚴謹點?
評分I think selectorate theory is an extention of realism school instead of a stand-alone theory. Overall an exciting theory with somewhat funky examples.
評分今年讀的最後一本書,和 why nation fails相得益彰。一個是講政治,一個講經濟,其實說的都是同一件事。以前拿起the logic of political survival,結果沒看下去,模型有點太復雜,這本確實非常容易讀。
The Dictator's Handbook 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載