David Der-wei Wang is Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese and Comparative Literature at Harvard University. His works include The Monster That Is History: History, Violence, and Fictional Writing in Twentieth-Century China; Fin-de-siècle Splendor: Repressed Modernity in Late Qing Fiction, 1849-1911; and Fictional Realism in Twentieth-Century China.
This book positions the lyrical as key to rethinking the dynamics of Chinese modernity and emphasizes Chinese lyricism's deep roots in its own native traditions, along with Western influences. Although the lyrical may seem like an unusual form for representing China's social and political crises in the mid-twentieth century, David Der-wei Wang contends that national cataclysm and mass movements intensified Chinese lyricism in extraordinary ways. He calls attention to not only the vigor and variety of Chinese lyricism at an unlikely historical juncture but also the precarious consequences it brought about: betrayal, self-abjuration, suicide, and silence. Above all, his study ponders the relevance of such a lyrical calling of the past century to our time.
Despite their divergent backgrounds and commitments, the writers, artists, and intellectuals discussed in this book all took lyricism as a way to explore selfhood in relation to solidarity, the role of the artist in history, and the potential for poetry to illuminate crisis. They experimented with a variety of media, including poetry, fiction, intellectual treatise, political manifesto, film, theater, painting, calligraphy, and music. Wang's expansive research also traces the invocation of the lyrical in the work of contemporary Western critics. From their contested theoretical and ideological stances, Martin Heidegger, Theodor Adorno, Cleanth Brooks, Paul de Man, and many others used lyricism to critique their perilous, epic time. The Chinese case only further intensifies the permeable nature of lyrical discourse, forcing us to reengage with the dominant role of revolution and enlightenment in shaping Chinese -- and global -- modernity.
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【編者按】本文根據王德威教授2015年4月15日在陝西師範大學所做的演講《史詩時代的抒情聲音》的錄音整理而成,整理者為陝西師範大學文學院學生陳曦、王天賀,由李躍力副教授統稿,已經王德威教授審閱。原文刊於《現代中國文化與文學》第17輯。 談論“史詩時代的抒情聲音”,也...
評分 評分——讀《史詩時代的抒情聲音:二十世紀中期的中國知識分子與藝術傢》([美]王德威著.北京:三聯書店,2019.6) 有部晦澀沉悶的德語電影《隱牆》'Die Wand',描繪瞭一個女子無端被一堵看不見的牆睏處,在如詩如畫的自然中獨自生存與思考。該片導演想要錶達的似乎很多,算不上是佳...
評分——讀《史詩時代的抒情聲音:二十世紀中期的中國知識分子與藝術傢》([美]王德威著.北京:三聯書店,2019.6) 有部晦澀沉悶的德語電影《隱牆》'Die Wand',描繪瞭一個女子無端被一堵看不見的牆睏處,在如詩如畫的自然中獨自生存與思考。該片導演想要錶達的似乎很多,算不上是佳...
評分本文原載於《中國圖書評論》2016年第6期“書界觀察”欄目。 作者,韓晗,深圳大學文化産業研究院。 哈佛大學東亞係講座教授王德威先生將近年來的研究成果積纍整理齣版,命名為《史詩時代的抒情聲音:1949年前後的中國現代文人》(下文簡稱《聲音》,TheLyrical in Epic Time: ...
圖書標籤: 王德威 海外中國研究 文學研究 文學 文化研究 現代文學 曆史 中國
評分導師布置的閱讀 本來有點納悶因為和我的topic並不是很相符 但很喜歡王老師的寫作風格 值得學習 在油管上聽瞭幾個王老師的lecture 王老師好可愛哈哈哈哈哈
評分為寫《霸王彆姬》讀關於費穆的第七章。與梅蘭芳閤作《生死恨》,麵臨京劇的抽象性與電影的擬真性之間的差異,國粹在亂世愈加凸顯成為國族性的象徵。一般來說京劇演員被認可的是已設定好的角色,而非現實分身(not figures of reality),然而梅氏之男性化社會形象也廣為人知,跳脫impersonation窠臼,且使京劇藝術中男扮女角變裝演旦的性彆/道德模糊性得以升華,戲劇成為對生活的藝術性參與,而非機械復製或摒棄否定。關於銀幕上的京劇影像:鏡頭會使三維錶演扁平化成“皮影戲”,動作(motion)與情(emotion)之間的張力無法凸顯,因此需要特殊攝影技巧與道具,然而這種影像修正又會造成對傳統錶演的侵入。另:cinema of poetry; Deleuze: crystal image
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