Jo Guldi is just beginning her disciplinary career as Assistant Professor of History at Brown University. She has held fellowships at the University of Chicago, the Harvard Metalab, and the Harvard Society of Fellows. She is author of Roads to Power: Britain Invents the Infrastructure State (2011) and What is the Spatial Turn? (2012), as well as various articles and blog posts on aspects of British property law and digital history. She is the designer of, digital software designed to facilitate the visualization of large amounts of text for historical and political analysis. She has published in Counterpunch and The Huffington Post, and maintains a personal website at Her next monograph, The Long Land War ( will tell the story of the rise of transnational land grabs, rent strikes, and land reform movements since 1880.
David Armitage is the Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History and Chair of the Department of History at Harvard University. He is the author or editor of thirteen books, including The Ideological Origins of the British Empire (2000), Foundations of Modern International Thought (2013), Milton and Republicanism (co-edited, 1995), Bolingbroke: Political Writings (edited, 1997), British Political Thought in History, Literature and Theory (co-edited, 2006) and Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought (co-edited, 2009), all from Cambridge University Press. A prize-winning author and teacher, he has lectured on six continents and his works have been translated into Chinese, Danish, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.
The History Manifesto 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分张洪彬:近代史研究的困境与曙光 张洪彬(《学术月刊》杂志社) 2017-12-11 12:25 来源:澎湃新闻 【编者按】11月25、26日,“特殊与普遍——现代中国的中国性与世界性”学术研讨会在沪举行。这次会议由华东师大思勉人文高等研究院和《学术月刊》联合主办,华东师大思勉人...
评分张洪彬:近代史研究的困境与曙光 张洪彬(《学术月刊》杂志社) 2017-12-11 12:25 来源:澎湃新闻 【编者按】11月25、26日,“特殊与普遍——现代中国的中国性与世界性”学术研讨会在沪举行。这次会议由华东师大思勉人文高等研究院和《学术月刊》联合主办,华东师大思勉人...
图书标签: 历史 史学理论 史学史 history Philosophy 美国 史学 历史学
How should historians speak truth to power - and why does it matter? Why is five hundred years better than five months or five years as a planning horizon? And why is history - especially long-term history - so essential to understanding the multiple pasts which gave rise to our conflicted present? The History Manifesto is a call to arms to historians and everyone interested in the role of history in contemporary society. Leading historians Jo Guldi and David Armitage identify a recent shift back to longer-term narratives, following many decades of increasing specialisation, which they argue is vital for the future of historical scholarship and how it is communicated. This provocative and thoughtful book makes an important intervention in the debate about the role of history and the humanities in a digital age. It will provoke discussion among policymakers, activists and entrepreneurs as well as ordinary listeners, viewers, readers, students and teachers. This title is also available as Open Access.
两位作者分别统领past和future两个部分,但正如穿梭二者之间的两种expertise,整本首尾呼应的宣言书反倒像极了“历史学家-王”加Google Earth理想的奇怪表述。从这一点上看,作者们似乎略微低估了可视化商业数据库已有的进展,以及这种进展对历史研究限度可能造成的压缩。另外,关于用“长时段”消化数字化历史,尽管宣言在讨论合法性和公共前景这两方面已经做得非常充分,但当我们开始用长远的眼光来打量这项尚处在中层的工具,一个老问题似乎还另需交代:"Histories, What is to be done?"
评分新年第一鸡血!大概正因为当下history/historian是多么地无用,才要在“Manisfesto”中掷地有声地宣称“Historians of the world, unite! There is a world to win – before it’s too late.”
评分不仅书名用的是“Manifesto”(《共产党宣言》的“宣言”),全书首末也借用了《宣言》的经典:“A spectre is haunting our time: the spectre of the short term.” "Historians of the world, unite! There is a world to win - before it's too late." Big history. Big ambition.
评分两位作者分别统领past和future两个部分,但正如穿梭二者之间的两种expertise,整本首尾呼应的宣言书反倒像极了“历史学家-王”加Google Earth理想的奇怪表述。从这一点上看,作者们似乎略微低估了可视化商业数据库已有的进展,以及这种进展对历史研究限度可能造成的压缩。另外,关于用“长时段”消化数字化历史,尽管宣言在讨论合法性和公共前景这两方面已经做得非常充分,但当我们开始用长远的眼光来打量这项尚处在中层的工具,一个老问题似乎还另需交代:"Histories, What is to be done?"
The History Manifesto 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书