Alex Reinhart is a statistics instructor and PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his BS in physics at the University of Texas at Austin and does research on locating radioactive devices using statistics and physics.
Statistics Done Wrong 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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评分1、统计作为一门关于推测的学问,原本就不负责给出确凿的答案。 2、破除统计迷信之后,可以具体到具体统计方法的犯错软肋。 3、比较遗憾的是,对于具体统计方法,阐述得不够具体、生动、科普,甚而言,没有说明方法,而只是说明方法有软肋——这属于车轱辘话来回说。 4、翻译在...
评分1、统计作为一门关于推测的学问,原本就不负责给出确凿的答案。 2、破除统计迷信之后,可以具体到具体统计方法的犯错软肋。 3、比较遗憾的是,对于具体统计方法,阐述得不够具体、生动、科普,甚而言,没有说明方法,而只是说明方法有软肋——这属于车轱辘话来回说。 4、翻译在...
评分1、统计作为一门关于推测的学问,原本就不负责给出确凿的答案。 2、破除统计迷信之后,可以具体到具体统计方法的犯错软肋。 3、比较遗憾的是,对于具体统计方法,阐述得不够具体、生动、科普,甚而言,没有说明方法,而只是说明方法有软肋——这属于车轱辘话来回说。 4、翻译在...
评分1、统计作为一门关于推测的学问,原本就不负责给出确凿的答案。 2、破除统计迷信之后,可以具体到具体统计方法的犯错软肋。 3、比较遗憾的是,对于具体统计方法,阐述得不够具体、生动、科普,甚而言,没有说明方法,而只是说明方法有软肋——这属于车轱辘话来回说。 4、翻译在...
图书标签: 统计学 统计 数学 statistics 概率 数据处理 应用统计 经济学
Scientific progress depends on good research, and good research needs good statistics. But statistical analysis is tricky to get right, even for the best and brightest of us. You'd be surprised how many scientists are doing it wrong.
Statistics Done Wrong is a pithy, essential guide to statistical blunders in modern science that will show you how to keep your research blunder-free. You'll examine embarrassing errors and omissions in recent research, learn about the misconceptions and scientific politics that allow these mistakes to happen, and begin your quest to reform the way you and your peers do statistics.
You'll find advice on:
Asking the right question, designing the right experiment, choosing the right statistical analysis, and sticking to the plan
How to think about p values, significance, insignificance, confidence intervals, and regression
Choosing the right sample size and avoiding false positives
Reporting your analysis and publishing your data and source code
Procedures to follow, precautions to take, and analytical software that can help
Scientists: Read this concise, powerful guide to help you produce statistically sound research.
Statisticians: Give this book to everyone you know.
The first step toward statistics done right is Statistics Done Wrong.
心理学关于replication的crisis一定程度上揭露了一部分学者统计上“耍小聪明”(p-hacking),但是学界各大期刊接收的标准,又被publication bias左右,publication又被视为学术职称的评价标准,这就是个无解的局了。简而言之,单个研究的结果,基本上都是要打折的,要能survive replication以及meta-analysis才能算结论比较可信。对我而言这书的观点不算新了,之前的naked statistics,7 pillars of statistics,how to lie 系列都有一样的观点。
评分去肥城的路上,坐我旁边的帅帅白哥哥用他看了半路的小说拍死了我座椅上的一直bug,然后我问他借了这本书,看了半路,虽然对学渣的我的thesis并没有什么卵用,但还是初阶涨姿势好书,doing statistic right before doing it right
评分看名字就知道哪些书是我痛下决心买了实体的。(字体设计真的太烂了。/开始特别恐慌,因为都是phd student 他在写书 我在看他写的书。但是看完觉得还好,只是一个side project 的规模和水准,基本也没有作者太多一线经验。 不过人家对统计学的理解确实很不错。
Statistics Done Wrong 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书