作者:(美國)加雷斯·詹姆斯(Gareth James) (美國)丹妮拉·威滕(Daniela Witten) (美國)特雷弗·哈斯帖(Trevor Hastie) (美國)羅伯特·提布施瓦尼(Robert Tibshirani) 譯者:王星
統計學習導論 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
1. expected test MSE use:to assess the accuracy of model predictions. obtain: repeatedly estimate f using a large number of training sets and test each at x0. decompose: into 3 parts -- variance, bias and irreducible error. note: the meaning of variance an...
評分1. expected test MSE use:to assess the accuracy of model predictions. obtain: repeatedly estimate f using a large number of training sets and test each at x0. decompose: into 3 parts -- variance, bias and irreducible error. note: the meaning of variance an...
評分1. expected test MSE use:to assess the accuracy of model predictions. obtain: repeatedly estimate f using a large number of training sets and test each at x0. decompose: into 3 parts -- variance, bias and irreducible error. note: the meaning of variance an...
評分http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/ ==========================================================================================================================================================
評分1. expected test MSE use:to assess the accuracy of model predictions. obtain: repeatedly estimate f using a large number of training sets and test each at x0. decompose: into 3 parts -- variance, bias and irreducible error. note: the meaning of variance an...
圖書標籤: 統計學習 R 機器學習 數據分析 統計 統計學 數據挖掘 統計學習基礎
評分讀得我懷疑自己的智商,懷疑在大數據方嚮的選擇是否錯誤,進而懷疑人生( ╯□╰ ) 強撐著學習完瞭,智商受到瞭一萬點暴擊。事實上,不要告訴我原理,隻要告訴我怎麼解讀R運行齣來的結果就好瞭,淚目
評分我真是信瞭你的邪,作業2.4.3,“provide n and p”被翻成瞭“假設n和p是給定的”,n和p就是題目要你求的,給定nmlgb
統計學習導論 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載