[英]伊恩·麥奎爾(Ian McGuire)
成長於英國赫爾市,畢業於曼徹斯特大學和弗吉尼亞大學,是曼徹斯特大學創意寫作中心的創始人兼副院長。小說曾發錶於《芝加哥評論》《巴黎評論》等。他的首部小說是《難以置信的身體》(Incredible Bodies)。《北海鯨夢》是伊恩・麥奎爾的第二本小說,他擅長描寫聲音和氣味,不論是捕鯨獵熊、開刀驗屍,以及船員的南腔北調,都讓人身臨其境,寫實程度不輸給奧斯卡大贏傢《荒野獵人》。
"A fast-paced, gripping story set in a world of gruesome violence and perversity, where 'why?' is not a question and murder happens on a whim: but where a very faint ray of grace and hope lights up the landscape of salt and blood and ice. A tour de force of narrative tension and a masterful reconstruction of a lost world that seems to exist at the limits of the human imagination." —Hilary Mantel
“This is a novel that takes us to the limits of flesh and blood. Utterly convincing and compelling, remorselessly vivid, and insidiously witty, The North Water is a startling achievement.” —Martin Amis
A nineteenth-century whaling ship sets sail for the Arctic with a killer aboard in this dark, sharp, and highly original tale that grips like a thriller.
Behold the man: stinking, drunk, and brutal. Henry Drax is a harpooner on the Volunteer, a Yorkshire whaler bound for the rich hunting waters of the arctic circle. Also aboard for the first time is Patrick Sumner, an ex-army surgeon with a shattered reputation, no money, and no better option than to sail as the ship's medic on this violent, filthy, and ill-fated voyage.
In India, during the Siege of Delhi, Sumner thought he had experienced the depths to which man can stoop. He had hoped to find temporary respite on the Volunteer, but rest proves impossible with Drax on board. The discovery of something evil in the hold rouses Sumner to action. And as the confrontation between the two men plays out amid the freezing darkness of an arctic winter, the fateful question arises: who will survive until spring?
With savage, unstoppable momentum and the blackest wit, The North Water weaves a superlative story of humanity under the most extreme conditions.
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這本書大概從20%的地方開始吸引瞭我,就是那段Sumner不小心掉入冰海裏,數次掙紮仍未能爬上冰塊,最後slumps backwards into the dark water and away的那個結尾,像美劇的畫麵一樣,讓人住不住想看下去他到底有沒有活下來。四天一口氣讀完瞭剩下的80%,每一章的結尾總有一個...
評分被人陷害而走投無路的軍醫不得已踏上捕鯨船北上。在駛往北極的旅程中險象環生,不同的選擇導緻每個人不一樣的結局;血腥的場麵,跌宕起伏的情節,意想不到的結局都讓人欲罷不能!主角的描寫很豐滿,個人感覺在書中主角的很多重要的決定都是follow the heart,內心深處不可磨滅...
評分 評分《北海鯨夢》的可讀性與流暢度都非常高,雖然說定位為“曆史小說”,但是閱讀對背景知識的要求並不多。隻要願意靜下心閱讀完第一章,後麵的所有內容都十分順暢。作者文筆優美,寥寥數筆勾勒齣冷硬而瞭無生機的永鼕。還有一個可讀性在於,全書登場人物有限且個性鮮明,有限的形...
圖書標籤: 英國文學 小說 英文原版 聽解讀 驚悚 聽讀 有聲讀物 小說
評分Dark, violent, unsettling, more a literary fiction than a thriller
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